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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 5:44 am 
This is from a dating advisor:

How Women Are Spoiled - How To Solve This
If you want to succeed with women in ANY way,
there is something MASSIVE you need to
understand before anything else.

It’s crucial to understand the REASON there
is such a problem out there with women to
BEGIN with.

The reason is both SIMPLE yet it also
is something that virtually NO ONE
sees, and NO ONE discusses.

Everyone thinks it’s just “natural” that
women and men will just have the
war of the sexes, etc.

That is HOGWASH!

The REAL reason there is a problem
is simple, yet elusive to everyone:


That’s it, that’s the bottom line.

Women are brainwashed to be spoiled
because the only thing they HEAR all
day and all night is how WONDERFUL
they are, and how FANTASTIC of
a PRIZE THEY ARE, no matter what
is REALLY the truth!

It’s not politically correct to STAND UP
to these lies either, so the lies go
unchallenged and thus they get
more and more reinforced in women’s
and even some men’s minds as well!

Here’s how women are spoiled:

1. The PHYSICAL deterrent of man
is diminished.

Now, obviously, I am against any kind of
abuse. The fact is, men and women
have checks and balances in power,
when in nature.

Men are stronger physically, but they
also will SACRIFICE themselves for
the woman they love, the family,
etc, etc.

In return, a woman gave her loyalty,
etc, etc.

Today, however, a man must act
otherwise his VOICE tonality alone
will be used against him, in false
accusations of assault, threat, abuse,
harassment, etc.

So a man can’t even BE a man, he has
to IGNORE his own testosterone.

He has to symbolically cut his balls off
when he is communicating with women.

Meanwhile, women can hurt men emotionally,
they can get the police after him even when
he is innocent, they can do all sorts of
HORRORS that our culture tends to
STILL believe women rather than men
even with zero evidence!

This SPOILS a woman, into thinking
it’s NORMAL for a man to have to
kiss up and almost FEAR women
but for women to NOT FEAR men
at all, knowing the legal system
will always fall on her side.


Because it’s not politically correct to
stick to the TRUTH, what we get instead
are ENDLESS programs, magazines,
sitcoms, commercials, etc, all aimed
at WOMEN that tell women the following

That COUGARS are actually more desirable
than young women.

So you get women who were not only
spoiled their entire YOUTHS, but are
now told they are even MORE desirable
now that they are OLDER.

Imagine a girl who has been flattered and
kissed up to her whole life for her looks,
and is now being told she is even BETTER
than before.

The reality is that of course, cougars are
not physically more attractive than younger
women. They are less, but this truth is
COVERED up and instead replaced with
a massive lie, which just makes women
more spoiled with men.

Here’s another example:

The INFINITE sitcoms on TV where the
man has NO BRAINS, and is desperately
craving sex with his wife, while the wife
is far SMARTER and not too keen on
sex with her husband.

Here’s another:

The ENDLESS commercials for products
for women, telling them how GREAT
they are, and that “they’re worth it.”

Meanwhile, commercials for men tend
to show the guy being ELATED when
any girl wants to talk to him, and in
fact it’s quite normal for commercials
to show women rejecting guys-
there’s one with a guy filling up his
car at the gas station, he strikes
up a chat with the woman nearby
asking her “you come here often?”
she says “no” and just TAKES OFF
in her fuel efficient car, rather than
talk with the guy.

THIS IS ALL NORMAL, the guy is
supposed to EXPECT this rudeness.

No protests from any man’s group in
the streets for this kind of thing.

Men aren’t allowed to complain, they
have to be happy with this.

Sex and the City pretends that these
women who are all aging and looking
horrible for real, are ACTUALLY
such hot things, and who are living
the exciting free for all sex life.

But of course, it’s MEN who are the
dirty, superficial, evil, physically
and emotionally abusive ones,
as well as just plain stupid ones.

It’s the men who actually die in the
wars, make up the majority of fire-fighters,
who sacrifice themselves for women,
but THIS isn’t mentioned in the media.

Nope, instead, we get MOVIES where
some woman kicks every guy’s ass.

And of course, it’s STILL men who tend
to pay for dates, and who must risk
rejection by approaching women,
never the other way around.

So OF COURSE all this results in
women being more spoiled than

They will say hurtful things and push
their luck as far as you will allow them.

It’s not even their FAULT anymore,
because, when it comes to how they
view MEN, these women are like children who
had TERRIBLE parents who just let
them get away with EVERYTHING.

Most women feel it’s all NORMAL,
they don’t feel any reason to stop
what they are doing.

HENCE, the reason why it’s SO IMPORTANT

What happens with most men is they
meet a woman, the woman is insensitive
or demanding or whatever, and the guy
just GIVES INTO IT, in order to KEEP
her, when in reality this just DRIVES

It drives her away because she doesn’t
appreciate that which she didn’t have
to earn.

It drives her away because she is so used
to those kinds of guys it’s boring for her.

TIP 1:


Don’t give away your power, and by
power I mean your emotions, your time,
your money, your energy, until a woman
has EARNED them from you.

TIP 2:


Slow down the interaction, most guys
want to get naked so fast, and this only
reads as desperation.

Instead, slow down and TALK to her,
get to know who she is, let her know
you have standards, and more importantly

If she doesn’t meet your standards, reject her.
99% of the time, this only makes you more
attractive and make her pursue you more.

But you have to be willing to really walk away.

TIP 3:


Don’t go to extremes and don’t become
abusive yourself, just because she says
something screwed up isn’t a reason
for you to become abusive yourself,
INSTEAD just freeze frame and stop
the conversation and let her know why
you are getting up to leave.

This way, you lead by example.
As Mao Tse Tung said “Respond
intelligently even to unintelligent

TIP 4:


Most women have the perspective
of being the one who is more
desired, and most men FEED
this by calling incessantly and
asking dorky insecure questions
and trying to qualify themselves.

If a woman doesn’t like something
about you, or teases you about something,
IT’S CRUCIAL you take her frame,
so you should just say back to her:
“If that’s how you feel” and let her
walk away—99% of the time she
won’t, or she would not have been
talking to you in the first place,
she is just spoiled and needs
a real man to put her in her place
but not with threats, rather with
your ULTRA SECURE response’
of “if that’s how you feel” and
don’t say a WORD after that
and WATCH how she will fill
in the void to keep the conversation

And always be just A BIT more busy
than she is, a bit less time for
a relationship than she has,
a bit less everything, and the
REASON for this is that
every good deed you do for her
in terms of having so much time
and energy for her is partially
read by her as desperation by
her, so your good actions
count MORE when done
sparingly. This can
CHANGE once she shows
she respects you.

PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 1:23 am 
I just tell myself "I am the prize" and that works for me :-)

Always feel like you are the best man for women everywhere you go. I don't say that as to value yourself as a better person than them, that won't get you a date ;-) You should feel like you are that one guy they've always waited for. The one guy who is going to give them the best love they'll ever have. You are their prince charming! You're not fucking them just to fuck them and brag about it! You're fucking them because there is an emotional connection and it's natural. Believe this and watch them start to fight for your love. See yourself this way and women will start turning into horny little girls that will work their asses off to get your attention. But yes, the more power you have the more spoiled you will be, people will work to impress you, it's that simple. Being the prize and a sexy motherfucker gives you power.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:18 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
Posts: 5112
Ryan wrote:
I just tell myself "I am the prize" and that works for me :-)

Always feel like you are the best man for women everywhere you go. I don't say that as to value yourself as a better person than them, that won't get you a date ;-) You should feel like you are that one guy they've always waited for. The one guy who is going to give them the best love they'll ever have. You are their prince charming! You're not fucking them just to fuck them and brag about it! You're fucking them because there is an emotional connection and it's natural. Believe this and watch them start to fight for your love. See yourself this way and women will start turning into horny little girls that will work their asses off to get your attention. But yes, the more power you have the more spoiled you will be, people will work to impress you, it's that simple. Being the prize and a sexy motherfucker gives you power.
Nicely put...this is where I live. 8-)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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