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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:32 am 
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I'm surprised no one started a discussion about this.

We all know how society programs us, since we are young, to behave in a certain way. This forum focuses about relationships with women, but what about other aspects of it? I think the financial situation today in the western world, show even better how we live in one big matrix.

Anyone who read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki knows what I'm talking about. Generations of people get up in the morning, and go to work. They go to a job they don't like, they work with people they don't like and a boss they probably hate, they have in most cases no time for themselves and thier family, they have in most cases no money to live the life they desire, they cannot go for a holiday without permission (and they won't be making money during their vacation - another factor to consider), they can be fired whenever their boss pisses off or when the company decides to fire employees to decrease wxpenses, and the worst thing - they are on the highway to nowhere. They will live most of their lives this way, with no reward at the end, like sheep to the slaughter.

So why do they do this? Because this is what we were told we should do. That is how life should be. We were taught not to think big and to be "realistic".

Like The Kidd says there are few "pimps" who live in a total different lifestyle and mindset, there are also people who live differently financialy-wise. The rich people we know, who went forward with their ideas, who went for an opportunity that other people (the sheep) refused to see, who did not listen to skeptic, brain-washed people who tried to put them down. Every one of us, before we ever heard there is a way to live differently regarding women (whether it's Cory Skyy, David X Or The Kidd), had no hope and believed that we were supposed to live a pathetic, needy life. Unfortunately, I doubt if we made those choices financialy.

And why not? I mean, what's the difference? Again, this is an area of our life that our mindset is totaly fucked up. Just like we had a choice to ignore the truth, and stay "symps" (love The Kidd's terminology ;) ), we have the option to look at our financial state and choose to lie to ourselves that it's all ok and there is no problem. However, like I believe there is no reason to compromise on your success with women, there is no reason we shouldn't live our lives to our full potential.

Anyway, speaking for myself - the other way I found is MLM (Multi Level Marketing). I think it is the most brilliant thing on earth. It is a system, that is based on win-win situation princible, that gives us unlimited potential for passive income (passive income = money that you earn regardless of the time you spend, which means making money while you sleep, while you eat and so on, like Kiyosaki says, when your money works for you instead of you for your money). In order to succeed in it you must grow as a person and let go of other people's opinions and judgements. To sum it up, there is no limit to how you much you can make, you are developing yourself as a person and facing your blocks during your work, and the most amazing thing is that you cannot succeed alone, you must help other people succeed in order to succeed yourself.

Now, make no mistake here. I am not using this forum as a platform for recruiting people here to my company. Although I have the utmost respect for the people here, and I would love to work with them because I know they are open people and not brain-washed like all the others, I really do believe this system is the easiest, most efficient and most worthwhile way on this planet for us all to create financial true freedom. So it's not about the company I work with, I really want you to be open to the possibility here that there is something incredible here and maybe you should consider joining an MLM company somewhere (of course there are many choices and you should examine carfully every option).

I am not any kind of expert in MLM but I do know a lot about the industry and I would love to answer questions about the industry, and also if anyone here has another suggestion that can help people succeed financialy, then let's write it here. Why create freedom only regarding women? Let's choose to be free in all areas in life.

Guys, the easiest thing to do here is to ignore this post and keep on with your life, as if you don't want improvement. Let's be honest with ourselves and see if we can learn something new, and mabe create change in our lives.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:20 pm 
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I've been searching for ways to generate passive income since 2008 when I first picked up Rich Dad Poor Dad this is an important topic and I think we should talk about it a lot more. What is an MLM and how do I get one?

Don't be sexist, bitches hate that.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:25 pm 
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Great thing you read the book, it's really life changing with the ideas in there (getting you out of an employee mindset).

Basically, MLM (Multi Level Marketing) or Network Marketing is a different way of marketing a product.

I could start explaining why this way of marketing is far more effective than the traditional way (and it is interesting, you can learn about how advertising isn't really working well anymore today from the excellent book "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin), but It's not really relevant, because even if traditional marketing was still effective, there is no opportunity for us there. MLM offers an opportunity.

A company that chooses the MLM way (and more and more are doing so - Cocal Cola, IBM and Colgate are also utilizing the system in order to reach more customers) does not advertise the product or sell it in the stores. The product is sold by word of mouth. The customers of the product can join the company and turn into distributers, with a small one time investment (usually a few hundred dollars). The company pays 50% of it's sales volume to the distributers every month (this is where all the money comes from - imagine Microsoft gave away 50% of their income...). The way the distributers make money :
1. They sell the product to other people. There is an element of passive income here, since you get money from every purchase a person makes through you, and if he turn into a returning customer - you get paid for life! But this is not the big money.
2. They sponser other distributers - you present the business opportunity to other people and they join as distributers (you get paid of course). Every time they sell a product or sponser someone else, you get money. This creates an incredible potential for passive income. There is no limit to the number of people you can sponser, and the number of people they can sponser and so on. You teach them the business, and get rewarded for whatever they do for life. People in the industry reach crazy amounts of money like 100k a month, 250k a month, 700k and the top one today is about 1.2 million a month. There really is no limit.

Here is a great explanation about the industry from a very successful Network Marketer called Tim Sales -

And don't jump too soon into an MLM company. There are lots of great companies out there, but there are also lots of pyramid schemes that pretend to be MLM companies (when there is no product). Also, not every good company is a good business opportunity. There are a lot of factors to consider here.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:10 pm 

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I can totally relate with what you say about people being slaves to their jobs, but without those sheep I believe there would be complications. That being said fear is mostly what controls those people to stay in their jobs. If everyone was a free thinker either things would be really good or really bad. Like symps, these sheep have a certain place in society and they just can't comprehend what life outside the matrix is.

Passive income is an interesting concept, but there is nothing easy about it. It's a lot of hard work and the people selling you on the MLM business will advertise it as easy, effortless, make lots of money, etc. Not discouraging you or anyone else, but whatever you do there is ALWAYS hard work involved, there are no shortcuts. As long as you have the passion for it, I say you will be good at it. However, to me I see it as chasing money when you could be working in a profession that you enjoy and make money. I think most people see money as the objective instead of following their instincts and pursuing their passions in life. If you are passionate about your job it provides you with that sense of fulfillment that most people are missing in life.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:52 pm 
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freespirit422 wrote:
I can totally relate with what you say about people being slaves to their jobs, but without those sheep I believe there would be complications. That being said fear is mostly what controls those people to stay in their jobs. If everyone was a free thinker either things would be really good or really bad. Like symps, these sheep have a certain place in society and they just can't comprehend what life outside the matrix is.

Passive income is an interesting concept, but there is nothing easy about it. It's a lot of hard work and the people selling you on the MLM business will advertise it as easy, effortless, make lots of money, etc. Not discouraging you or anyone else, but whatever you do there is ALWAYS hard work involved, there are no shortcuts. As long as you have the passion for it, I say you will be good at it. However, to me I see it as chasing money when you could be working in a profession that you enjoy and make money. I think most people see money as the objective instead of following their instincts and pursuing their passions in life. If you are passionate about your job it provides you with that sense of fulfillment that most people are missing in life.
I never said it was easy and effortless. It isn't. You gotta face your demons, you gotta get out of your comfort zone and battle your slave and lack consciousness. However, working for the rest of your life may be less challenging mentally, but we could say it's much harder, isn't it? ;)

About your second paragraph... That's exactly what I'm talking about. My friend, you have been programmed as well (like all of us). Notice the first thing you said was that it's not easy (when I never said otherwise - I assume you wouldn't comment like that about any other profession), then you used the phrase "chasing money"... Randy Gage talks about how society teaches us that it is noble to be poor, and that all the rich people are "chasing after money" or that they are bad people etc. Why is MLM chasing money, any more than a lawyer is chasing money? Or any more than an engineer? Could you be saying that because they are not wealthy (they are actually poor, and slaves to their jobs)?

I do not see money as the objective. The first thing I was told when I joined the company, is that I should get clear about my goal - WHY I want the money, what it would create in my life and so on. No one really looks at money as the end result, I mean, what would you agree to a deal that I give you 5 million dollars, but you had in return to spend the rest of your life on a deserted Island?

Here is a great short video from Randy Gage, who talks about how movies, for example, teach us that it's wrong to be rich.

And about the last part of your post :
I think most people see money as the objective instead of following their instincts and pursuing their passions in life. If you are passionate about your job it provides you with that sense of fulfillment that most people are missing in life.
Well, I might be wrong here, but isn't this another kind of limiting belief? That you have to choose, either "to chase money" or to pursue you passions? There is no contradiction! And that is why I started this thread.

You see, many people have dreams and visions in life. At some point we all figure out that there is no chance, so we settle for a mediocre life. It happens with women (society teaches us that only famous, rich and handsome people get women), it happens with money as well. MLM, or any other business that allows people to recieve passive income and create freedom in their lives. finally gives them the opportunity to reach their dreams. If you are a doctor, and you work all day and have no time for yourself or your family, where do your dreams come in? Or whether we're talking about someone who has time but never has enough money, how can he really go for his passions in life?

You can be rich and also do what you want in life. More than that, you will be doing it out of freedom, not out of a need to survive. There is no contradiction, and I hope you can see the programming in your post.

By the way, obviously everyone is entitled to an opinion, you don't have to like MLM or the concept of it (I think that in most cases it comes from limiting beliefs or rumors), but what is important for me in this thread is the point, that just like we deserve the best in life regarding women, the same case here is with money.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 3:39 am 

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You have the wrong impression of me. I'm not against money, I don't think negatively of rich people, but far too often people chase after money. I understand how becoming financially free can let you pursue your dreams, but don't you think a doctor is already doing that? What about a professional baseball player? There are plenty of people who don't have passive income and they still love their jobs. If they don't, they picked that job for the wrong reason, money.

MLM has it's place, but it doesn't mean the current way people work is wrong. Yes some people are slaves to their jobs because they didn't have the courage to actually pursue what they wanted. But overall that "slave to your job, 9-5" is just highly exaggerated. When I say passion, I mean your life purpose, something that you know deep down in your soul that this is your calling in life. If that is MLM then great, that is just more power for you to leverage. But if you are just looking to make money and the passion behind it isn't there, it will just end up in failure. Those guys out there with lots of money, well that was their goal and passion, but not everyone wants money as much as them.

I would be interested to know how your MLM goes. Like I said, if you are passionate about it, which from your posts it seems you are, then you will go far. I just believe this business attracts a lot of lazy people who think it's easy money, when it's just as hard as any other job out there.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:39 pm 
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You have the wrong impression of me. I'm not against money, I don't think negatively of rich people, but far too often people chase after money. I understand how becoming financially free can let you pursue your dreams, but don't you think a doctor is already doing that? What about a professional baseball player? There are plenty of people who don't have passive income and they still love their jobs. If they don't, they picked that job for the wrong reason, money.

MLM has it's place, but it doesn't mean the current way people work is wrong. Yes some people are slaves to their jobs because they didn't have the courage to actually pursue what they wanted. But overall that "slave to your job, 9-5" is just highly exaggerated. When I say passion, I mean your life purpose, something that you know deep down in your soul that this is your calling in life. If that is MLM then great, that is just more power for you to leverage. But if you are just looking to make money and the passion behind it isn't there, it will just end up in failure. Those guys out there with lots of money, well that was their goal and passion, but not everyone wants money as much as them.
Obviously MLM isn't the only way (although I believe it is the best one), and of course there are people who enjoy what they do. However, I cannot see any freedom in working for a living. Even if you enjoy your job, you in most cases are dependant on it, it sucks your time and energy, and the bottom line is that you don't have a real choice about whether you want to wake up in the morning to work or not.

Why not do what you like, only from a place of freedom and abundance, rather than doing it out of struggle and lack? The vast majority of people either lack enough time, or money, or both. It is a race that never ends, and it doesn't matter if they like their job and even if it's a successful career, there is still lack of freedom and little room for true fulfilment.

And I agree that unless you are passionate about what you do, whatever it is, you will not be successful. MLM is a tool for reaching your dreams, so anyone can find a source for passion there.
I would be interested to know how your MLM goes. Like I said, if you are passionate about it, which from your posts it seems you are, then you will go far. I just believe this business attracts a lot of lazy people who think it's easy money, when it's just as hard as any other job out there.
What do you mean, you would like to know how my MLM goes? Are you talking about my company or my personal network?

You are right about the lazy people, what happens is that they quit and then go and tell their friends that MLM is a ripoff, because they don't want to admit their failure. Another problem is the idiots who actually promise that you will get rich without working.

MLM, apparently, is not as hard as a regular job - you can devote 10 hours for it a week, work whenever you want, with whoever you want etc. However mentally it is much more difficult, as it requires you to grow. And the reward is totally, totally different. You work hard for a few years and enjoy a new reality, a new lifestyle.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:19 pm 

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What do you mean, you would like to know how my MLM goes? Are you talking about my company or my personal network?
Your company. I'd just be interested how you progress.
Obviously MLM isn't the only way (although I believe it is the best one), and of course there are people who enjoy what they do. However, I cannot see any freedom in working for a living. Even if you enjoy your job, you in most cases are dependant on it, it sucks your time and energy, and the bottom line is that you don't have a real choice about whether you want to wake up in the morning to work or not.

Why not do what you like, only from a place of freedom and abundance, rather than doing it out of struggle and lack? The vast majority of people either lack enough time, or money, or both. It is a race that never ends, and it doesn't matter if they like their job and even if it's a successful career, there is still lack of freedom and little room for true fulfilment.
It just seems you have a certain perception that you are applying to all jobs. If a person follows their passion they already have true fulfillment. They may have hobbies they like to do on the side, but those are not passions. Take a singer or actor, that's their passion and during the time they aren't working they have freedom and can relax. Not all jobs require you to get up every morning, unless you settle for a crappy job or enjoy getting up to go to work.

I guess where you see lack and struggle, I see purpose and fulfillment.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:42 pm 
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freespirit422 wrote:
What do you mean, you would like to know how my MLM goes? Are you talking about my company or my personal network?
Your company. I'd just be interested how you progress.
Obviously MLM isn't the only way (although I believe it is the best one), and of course there are people who enjoy what they do. However, I cannot see any freedom in working for a living. Even if you enjoy your job, you in most cases are dependant on it, it sucks your time and energy, and the bottom line is that you don't have a real choice about whether you want to wake up in the morning to work or not.

Why not do what you like, only from a place of freedom and abundance, rather than doing it out of struggle and lack? The vast majority of people either lack enough time, or money, or both. It is a race that never ends, and it doesn't matter if they like their job and even if it's a successful career, there is still lack of freedom and little room for true fulfilment.
It just seems you have a certain perception that you are applying to all jobs. If a person follows their passion they already have true fulfillment. They may have hobbies they like to do on the side, but those are not passions. Take a singer or actor, that's their passion and during the time they aren't working they have freedom and can relax. Not all jobs require you to get up every morning, unless you settle for a crappy job or enjoy getting up to go to work.

I guess where you see lack and struggle, I see purpose and fulfillment.
And this is where perception comes into play

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:49 am 
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Just so we are on the same page.

Financial Matrix: There is more debt in this world than there is money. Making you a slave more or less.

Of course the ideal situation is to be completly free of debt, by succeeding bigtime in whatever you do, but that's very hard, given that everything is based on debt(!). So I think the very least you can do is to hold as much real wealth as you possibly can.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:40 am 

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on this topic I will add that right now I have not finished my studies yet and only hold a part time job. When I finish my studies I'll get a full time job that pays good....

but right now and even after I get a full time job:

I have realized that most people live in debts because they spend a lot of money on stuff they don't really need or at things that they think will make them more happy.

I'm really happy living a simple life for example:

I don't often eat at fancy restaurant

I dress nice but I don't go and buy expensive clothing very often

I drive a very nice car but not that fancy

I have a family relative which is very rich but he still lives a modest life, he knows that all of the above does not make someone really happy. He enjoys the money but doesn't use it or sees it as the real source of happiness like most rich people do.

I think that most people make enough money to live good, the problem starts when the social matrix pumps up in their heads that they need all those things to be happy. As a result they start spending too much and go into debts.

Heck, I never watch commercials anymore so I don't fall into that shit mindset.

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:50 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
I think that most people make enough money to live good, the problem starts when the social matrix pumps up in their heads that they need all those things to be happy. As a result they start spending too much and go into debts.
^^ That's a good point. It's definatly easy to get into alot of bad debt (with very high rents) with all easily available credit.

But even if you want to buy an apartment for yourself, it's quite diffiucult to do it without going into debt - as a young guy without help financial help from parents etc. That's how the system work. The house prices are bid of with easy loans and (mostly) not with money people actually have. That is a evil spiral.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 4:20 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
on this topic I will add that right now I have not finished my studies yet and only hold a part time job. When I finish my studies I'll get a full time job that pays good....

but right now and even after I get a full time job:

I have realized that most people live in debts because they spend a lot of money on stuff they don't really need or at things that they think will make them more happy.

I'm really happy living a simple life for example:

I don't often eat at fancy restaurant

I dress nice but I don't go and buy expensive clothing very often

I drive a very nice car but not that fancy

I have a family relative which is very rich but he still lives a modest life, he knows that all of the above does not make someone really happy. He enjoys the money but doesn't use it or sees it as the real source of happiness like most rich people do.

I think that most people make enough money to live good, the problem starts when the social matrix pumps up in their heads that they need all those things to be happy. As a result they start spending too much and go into debts.

Heck, I never watch commercials anymore so I don't fall into that shit mindset.
If someone had written a post in this forum, saying that he is dating a woman that isn't really beautiful or smart but she's "very nice", and say that it's ok because women don't make you happy - how would you reply to him?

I would tell such a person that he's lying to himself. Because of course he wants a better looking and smarter girlfriend. And of course it doesn't make you happy, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't have it!

I am trying here to parallel the women area to the money area, because people here have a great mindset regarding women (at least compared to the rest of the population), but when it comes to money... Then we get into a scarcity mentality. What replies would I get had I suggested we give up trying to get beautiful women, and go only for those who are "ok"?

And you know what, let's put the money aside for a moment. Sniper, in other words, you are telling us in your post that you plan to work for a living for the rest of your life (until you reach pension age... And we all know how we cannot trust the pension trusts). Why? Even if you enjoy what you do (and by knowing you through this forum, I have a hard time to believe you would be studying something you don't enjoy), why be chained to your work place? Why accept being a slave for the rest of your life? I mean, if there was an option for you to do whatever you want, wherever you want, wouldn't you take that option?

Financial programming, that's why. We were taught to go to college and get a job. The rich people are presented in books and movies as the bad people, and anyone who actually thinks he can get out of this rat race, of working for his entire life - he is branded naive and delusional. Hint - imagine what a "normal" person would say had he read The Kidd's posts. It's all programming, only you see it in one area (women) and are unaware of it in another (money).

"WHATEVER may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains
that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life
unless one is rich. No man can rise to his greatest possible
height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of
money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have
many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he
has money to buy them with....

No man ought to be satisfied with a little if he is capable
of using and enjoying more. The purpose of Nature is the
advancement and unfoldment of life; and every man should have
all that can contribute to the power; elegance, beauty, and
richness of life; to be content with less is sinful."
Wallace Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich"

Money does not necessarily bring happiness. However, I'm sure as hell that going to work every morning, spending 40-50 hours a week for someone else's prosperity, not seeing your family and having your life depend on your boss's mood, doesn't bring you happiness either. I'm sure as hell that all the 40 year old people around the world, being fired because they are too old, are getting paid much money and there are many youngsters who want their position, don't feel really happy, not knowing how to support their family.

Honestly, wouldn't you rather to live the life you want, rather than worrying about money for the rest of your lives? What freedom is there in having a job, a boss and no chance whatsoever to get rich from it???

I hope people manage to understand my point of view, it took me a while to understand this myself. We are actually taught to be poor. And the worst thing is we are believing this sh*t.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:33 pm 

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you do have a point here. Something I will have to ponder on....

it is true esp. the part about 40 year old people losing their jobs to younger people and the shit pension that is hard to live with becuase everything keeps getting more and more expensive.

BTW while we are on this subject:

on my last trip to Thailand I met two guys from Europe who worked their entire lives and chose to live in Thailand after they retired. A lot of western people do it in Thailand or the Philippines. These two guys told me that living good in Europe with their pension is almost impossible (they were both from the Netherlands BTW)

since these guys were divorced then it was not a problem for them but I found it sad that people who have worked their entire life and have pension, can't live decently in their own country. And these two guys from the Netherlands that I met had decent jobs- one of them used to be a cop.

anway, going to live in a third world country with your pension is not a solution, I just mentioned it because I found it sad. There has to be a better way to be rich and live good.

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:27 pm 
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Sniper wrote:
it is true esp. the part about 40 year old people losing their jobs to younger people and the shit pension that is hard to live with becuase everything keeps getting more and more expensive.
And this is the most ironic thing.

It is thought that trying to get rich - whether it's investments, real estate or entering an MLM company, there is a big risk factor - which is true (except for MLM, the risk is usually a few hudred dollars). However, how dangerous is it to keep on working and ignoring the changes in economy? In the corporate world, every new CEO is demanded to cut the expenses - so he starts firing workers. People who lose their jobs at 40+ cannot find a job and need to work in humiliating jobs like a dish washer (I used to work in a resturant with a 77 year old guy who washed dishes... Heart breaking, really). Children today grow with barely seeing their parents - as their parents work all day, and of course teach them to do the same when they grow up. Technology is replacing more and more people, machines do everything today. And few people really retire when they reach the age of pension - the money there is just not enough... So like the old guy in the resturant I talked about, they keep working. And this is if they're lucky and no one f*cked up with their pensions, like what's happening in the US today. And the worst thing about all the above, is that it's only gonna get worse.

I can go on and on but the point is clear - our economy is f*cked up and society has programmed us to go in a path that leads to poverty and struggle. There is no job security today whatsoever. Just like giving women power and expecting anything to happen, giving your boss power over your life and expecting something to happen is ridiculous. We must take responsibility for our lives, because we cannot trust anyone but ourselves.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
Albert Einstein.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:31 am 

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Benjamin wrote:

Honestly, wouldn't you rather to live the life you want, rather than worrying about money for the rest of your lives? What freedom is there in having a job, a boss and no chance whatsoever to get rich from it???

I hope people manage to understand my point of view, it took me a while to understand this myself. We are actually taught to be poor. And the worst thing is we are believing this sh*t.
The Babylonian Rule is to pay yourself first.

You can get Financial Freedom in any profession/job
if you just take what you earn on Mondays from 0800 to
1200 and store it away (and optionally invest some 50%
of that income on money generating things.)

That´s all there is to it. Even an idiot can get FF with
this rule.

Becoming an entrepreneur is cool way to do what you love.
It´s not what you learn, it´s how fast can you learn new stuff
and how fast you can take action on it.

I live in the most expensive country in da eurozone so if I can do
it, anyone can do it. 8-)

And like I always say; riches are everywhere, and a certain Lydian
King never surfed the Internet....... :lol: Much less drove a flivver.
(Hint: Croesus)

Even if you never figure this finance thing out, you can benefit from
vast riches of the MoolahMatrix. It´s not always the money, it´s
the benefits. Plus you can always keep on building your Rolodex
of influence.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:38 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:51 pm
Posts: 2051
Location: Laniakea Supercluster
The GK wrote:
Just so we are on the same page.

Financial Matrix: There is more debt in this world than there is money. Making you a slave more or less.

Of course the ideal situation is to be completly free of debt, by succeeding bigtime in whatever you do, but that's very hard, given that everything is based on debt(!). So I think the very least you can do is to hold as much real wealth as you possibly can.
To whom do we owe it? The Martians? There´s no one
else here....

Paying debt is only optional at best, because
getting into debt is optional.

The easiest way to make a million is to inherit it.
So take care of that relationship!


PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:54 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:00 pm
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Jared wrote:
The easiest way to make a million is to inherit it.
So take care of that relationship!
Oh oh *excited* I have a joke on at least two levels ... :


"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
Jared wrote:
Paying debt is only optional at best, because
getting into debt is optional.
Technically, no (read: national debt).


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:35 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:51 pm
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Location: Laniakea Supercluster
The GK2 wrote:
Jared wrote:
Paying debt is only optional at best, because
getting into debt is optional.
Technically, no (read: national debt).
Yes I see your points.

I´m merely saying that an individual may learn to
protect his/her assets. An individual has a choice;
taking a loan is an option, not a requirement.


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