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 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:34 am 
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GoldenBoy wrote:
Hi Mr G
Any update on this one?
An update?

Man this was over a year ago... no, no update

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:34 pm 
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I have a story from this morning, the woman who told me this shit, see me on the other side of the road and she was saying LOUD: hello good looking guy, how is going? all okay good looking guy? I answered "hello, all okay and you? I have to go, bye" in my mind it was "shut up, stop it, jesus it's weird... 50-60 years old woman giving me this kind of attention? weird...weird"

The more baggage you remove around yourself the more clearly you can perceive others - Altair

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:20 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:44 am
Posts: 100
My barometer has been fast rising. Little girls and Older women seem completely mesmerized by my energy. Women I'd actually mess with are piling up too on the list of people jocking me.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:29 am 
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luciddream wrote:
My barometer has been fast rising. Little girls and Older women seem completely mesmerized by my energy. Women I'd actually mess with are piling up too on the list of people jocking me.
It is quite fascinating to watch, I am sure you agree :)

The term is so accurate and descriptive.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:29 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:44 am
Posts: 100
Yea, it really is fun/interesting just seeing all these women jock me and actually having the confidence(not deluded by emotions/judgments)to see it. And older women and children really are the best barometer bc they don't wear the same social mask that teens-adults do.

I'll post some interesting observations and experiences here and if someone thinks it's worth making a separate post for in another forum lmk or just feel free to move it. I'm sure most of this stuff is already littered all over these forums but I'll post them again from what I've seen.

Lots of guys, esp coming from the PUA community are looking for an IOI that a girl likes them. They want to know what to look for and a lot of the things that guys are told to look for are kinda overt and lots of girls are very subtle but that also depends on the girl and what level your barometer is at bc when it hits a certain level, it's really hard for most girls to hide the fact they're jocking you even on a subtle level. The reason most guys can't see it is bc they're too infatuated with liking the girls and obsessing over how hot she is. This will even be girls that are like objectively a 6-7 but if you become so infatuated with her and you can't take your attention off of her long enough for her to put her attention on you, it's going to be very easy to miss bc you just aren't giving her much space to be interested. Which not only makes her less interested than she would be, it also makes it way harder to notice between your own delusional obsession and her lack of space to actually get pulled into your energy and mesmerized by you. If you're jocking her too much basically you're being a creep and projecting your sexual energy onto her rather than letting her project hers onto you.

This list will be a combo of things to look for/tips in no particular order tho the first few are the first things you want to look for and do to initiate this whole process.

1) She can't relax around you. This one will typically underlie many of the interactions you're having with them if they're attracted to you. It will manifest itself as obvious nervousness in your presence like fidgeting, noticeable change in demeanor in your presence or just when your attention is on her(she's becoming self conscious when you look at her bc she cares what you think), minor facial tics that are displaying an incongruence with how she's feeling and the emotions she's trying to display on her face(she's trying to seem as if she can keep her cool around you but you make her feel a certain type of way and she can't), and talking a lot(assuming you aren't talking a lot and giving her space to do so she is filling the space you're leaving in which she feels tension with words and ultimately will be attempting to validate herself to you if she likes you. You want to look for girls that are showing more minor displays of these things as ones that are showing extreme versions of these traits are going to be girls that are really insecure in your presence. The more insecure she is in your energy the more she is basically telling you she doesn't think she's anywhere near your level and she's basically just handing you the pussy in hopes that you'll take it. These girls will generally have a pretty low self image. At the same time the more work you do on yourself the more girls will kind of just be like this around you and some will be so nervous they just won't even talk to you or put themselves in your path despite signs of jocking you from a distance...their self image is just so low that while they DO want you, they don't see it as a real possibility based on how they view themselves in relation to you. This is why you will hear guys that know what's up say that it's actually easier to get hot women than 5-7s. Ill catch a 6 staring at me then when I walk past her she just turns her head slightly away and looks at the ground as we pass.

2) She agrees with you, lets you know you're right, or just generally approves of you/what you're doing. I recently went outside on a patio to dance and there was already a couple people out there including this pretty cute Asian girl. I started my music up and immediately turned it down a bit to be considerate and the girl instantly told me it was OK if I turn it up. She then proceeded to spend the next 30 mins mostly pretending not to watch me dance too much but making sure to smile when she let me catch her overtly watching. Then when she got up to leave she started half dancing/shuffling towards me with a big smile and made small talk. After the last thing she said as she was leaving, I paused and left a few seconds of silence and she proceeded towards the door. As soon as I responded though, she instantly turned around and took a couple steps back towards me. Take this as an example of body language and space as well. Because I left space after her last comment she was able to feel the tension of having what she said potentially go unanswered and when I finally answered she moved her body back into that space because it felt good again and she wanted to feel my presence. This is an unconscious response by her even though she is conscious of the fact she's jocking me, her unconscious need to fill the space came from getting the approval she wanted and then stepping into that space that was once tension and now was just pure good vibes of approval/acceptance. Her body is communicating how she feels about me.

3) She's offering up personal info about herself, but you aren't asking. Women with kids will do this a lot. They will talk about their kid(s) or say something about being a mom in attempt to gauge your reaction and how you feel about it. They will often offer up the age as well. She sees you as a prospect and is being up front with you out of the gate. If you're gonna go after it with a single mom my advice is be very upfront from jump that you won't be playing daddy for her kid or taking on any of those duties. Tell her she can get some dick while she looks for a new daddy for her kid but if she presses you on that shit you're gone and then stick to what you say no matter how good the pussy is. Most single moms are going to be more trouble than they're worth but as men we often have to learn that the hard way(I'm still learning it myself but I avoid most of them now and keep it moving).

4) She walks by you or comes into your space when it's not necessary. She's attempting to be seen by you or interact with you. Either way she's interested. If she gets close enough feel free to say hi. If she doesn't, let it go. Don't start chasing just bc she got within range, this is the trap women set for weak men all the time.

5) Adjusting their skirt/dress just as they happen to walk by you. This isn't a coincidence boys, she's trying to draw your attention to her ass. I'm around quite a few women that wear shortish skirts/dresses all the time(uniform for work) and this is something I've been noticing for years. Even before I had the confidence to know for sure, I was pretty sure of this as it just seemed weird to me that girls were always adjusting their skirt right as they were passing by me. I see them do it to other guys too. You might think they're self conscious of it being too high up and they're pulling it down to show less so in that case you might think it's actually the opposite and they don't like you and want you to see less. Nah, they just want you to look at their ass and they're drawing your attention to it. I see girls doing it and its already basically as low as it can go. It's not really a subconscious thing but I think it's kinda just an automatic thing with a lot of them, esp if they wear skirts or dresses a lot. They know what they're doing overall but they don't necessarily have to think about it, they just automatically do it with guys they like. This also ties into her nervousness around you or any guy that she's attracted to for that matter. Tugging at her skirt or some article of clothing is safe zone sort of thing, it's her goto move to use as a tension release when she feels flustered and nervous and doesn't know where to put her hands or how to position her body, etc. Same can be said about playing with or brushing her hair with her hand, adjusting her shirt, etc.

6) Eye contact/attention from a distance(when your not in conversation with her). This is going to be the subtlest and hardest thing for most guys to notice but when you start to get this down you're gonna just know really early on that a girl likes you and you will start seeing the other stuff unfold over more time. Some girls that like you are actually really good at hiding this still, like pro level, and you may not catch her but if you're around the same women often enough from a distance and your barometer is starting to spike up towards the max, they won't be able to hide it after awhile. Your energy is drawing her attention and at some point she will slip up and stare at you too long and you'll catch her. Also watch for them to be checking for you out of their peripheral vision, women's is better than men's and they take advantage of it and use it a lot to check men out. The subtlest thing you can really notice is this sort of gleam or spark of light/twinkle in her eyes when she notices you. If it's from a distance it often will only last a second. It's often right when she first notices you and you catch her off guard. It's like her eyes are screaming at you....OH FUCK, THERE HE IS! When you get to the point you can notice this, you can just walk through your life casually and allow women to insert themselves into your world at your own leisure. You won't care when or if any girl actually does bc you will be seeing so may girls you know are jocking you that you realize it's only a matter of time before some of them get comfortable enough with you and brave enough to put themselves in a position for you to say hello or to start talking to you. The rest don't matter so don't sweat them. That's the trick society has played on men, thinking they're supposed to be wrapped up in all these women running around. Really don't get wrapped up in any of them. I have a long list of women that are jocking me and I do basically nothing about it. I pretty much just play dumb and wait for the ones that are high enough quality to enter my immediate space. I have several orbiting and several that have entered my space while I'm on celibacy so I've chosen to do nothing about it knowing I'll see them again eventually. Some are playing hard to get and need to find out the hard way they will never beat me at that game(you can't beat a man who understands he's the mans version of a super hot woman and has the sexual discipline to not chase her).

Finally, everyone has intuition but developing it requires patience, discipline, and faith. If you have these things then eventually girls will start outing themselves and make it clear they're jocking you. Then you will think back to when you thought she was jocking you early on but you weren't confident in it so you 2nd guessed it or said it was probably just a coincidence, and you'll be like....oh shit I was right. The more this happens the more you'll just trust your gut read earlier and earlier until finally you get to #6 and you see a girl from 10-15 feet away that you've never seen'll make eye contact even if just for a brief moment and you'll catch that spark in her eyes when she sees you that screams at you....OMG, WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY, OH SHIT....then you'll catch that subtle shift in demeanor, you'll feel it in your gut. And you'll just know right then and there she wants you from jump. What you do from there is totally up to you bc that's how quick a woman chooses a man. If it's a woman you aren't gonna see again you can play it a bit more aggressive but if you are going to see her a lot then I'd just sit back and let her come to you bc as Kidd mentions, sometimes she chooses you subconsciously but doesn't consciously recognize it and that whole dialogue she has is playing in the background of her mind, yet her conscious mind doesn't pick it up until she sees more and more of you.

Edit: After posting this and reading through it I realize a lot of it is in Kidd's covert tactics. I just worded some stuff slightly differently and I perhaps added a few thing. I think it still has value so I'm going to leave it but I would reread through all his stuff again after reading this as it may make it all click better. It took me several times of reading his Pimposophy/Covert Tactics to really pick this stuff up and I had the added benefit of being well on my way after already haven given up chasing women via the Brent Smith method. Guys that aren't as far along will probably want to read his stuff and this post multiple times throughout your journey as you will have different perspectives along the way. If I hadn't read Kidds stuff I probably would have figured this all out on my own but it would have taken me WAYYYYYYYYY longer. I did in roughly 3 months what may have taken me 1+ years more to do and again, that's with the huge jumpstart I had from giving up chasing women already which imo is completely necessary in some way. If you're a guy that doesn't get laid really then you're already there pretty much. This is actually harder for guys that get laid already a decent bit but not with the quality girls they want or as often as they would like, bc you have to give that all up. You have to give up the little bit of scraps society is letting you have for playing the game their way rather than on your own return you get your own life which will become amazing, you get peace of mind and the ability to shift yourself into a calm state regardless of whats happening around you, and you get hot women jocking you and throwing themselves at you all the time.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:49 am 
luciddream wrote:
Yea, it really is fun/interesting just seeing all these women jock me and actually having the confidence(not deluded by emotions/judgments)to see it. And older women and children really are the best barometer bc they don't wear the same social mask that teens-adults do.

I did in roughly 3 months what may have taken me 1+ years more to do and again, that's with the huge jumpstart I had from giving up chasing women already which imo is completely necessary in some way.
Confidence is also incredibly important. True confidence is built with the smallest victories and defeats in life. Your recognition comes with personal acknowledgement of those victories. It is not a self-assuredness. It is a humble acceptance of knowing you've given your best. You've aspired to your highest area in your awareness.

The barometer is tied to your confidence and acceptance. Half the battle is to not take yourself seriously. Releasing tension within yourself can release the tension in a room. You are the stimulus. The barometer is a just an outside reflection of your personal recognition. If you recognize yourself for you who are at a deep level and accept the victories and defeats that made you, you cannot be shaken because there's nothing to shake. Everyone else will crack first because you've accepted who you are and what you have. There's nothing higher or lower to aspire to.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:51 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:44 am
Posts: 100
Very well put. Bc emotions transfer to other people, when people see you're cool, calm, and comfortable feeling allows them to relax around you bc they see you aren't judging yourself/them based on what you feel. You accept the world as it is, take things as they come, and let go of what's not useful to you. This is unshakeable confidence, accepting whatever experience enters your bubble and dealing with it calmly and logically which often can just be to take note then ignore it.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:36 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
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I appreciate the acknowledgement, luciddream. Good to know my writings are still helpful so many years later :D

I promise I'm still working on this book fellas :mrgreen:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:31 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
I promise I'm still working on this book fellas :mrgreen:
If it's a print edition I'll be buying more than one.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:10 am 
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Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2012 3:35 pm
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The Kidd!! wrote:
I promise I'm still working on this book fellas :mrgreen:
It's starting to feel like Dre's Detox :cry:

Take it easy, man. But take it.

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:12 am 
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Aragorn wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
I promise I'm still working on this book fellas :mrgreen:
It's starting to feel like Dre's Detox :cry:

[ img ]

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:38 am 
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Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:14 am
Posts: 1884
Wow, I needed to read this thread, spot on.

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:45 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:44 am
Posts: 100
My groupies are beginning to circle and I see women everywhere trying to pretend they aren't in reaction to me but they can't mask it anymore

 Post subject: Re: The Barometer
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 11:49 pm 
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Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:22 pm
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luciddream wrote:
My groupies are beginning to circle and I see women everywhere trying to pretend they aren't in reaction to me but they can't mask it anymore
I heard that boy Lucid could read code like no other...

"...There is only one thing you can do. Master that one thing!...What you must be doing is visualizing yourself at your most powerful. You don't need any external enemies. The only opponent you must fight, is none other than your own image."

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