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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:36 am 
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Jesus. I typed this whole fucking thing out and accidently deleted. Let's try again, because I think this is an important subject for us all to discuss.

The most important thing that you should focus on in my opinion is not wanting anything from a woman. Before you chatise me and call me another Marcus, I will actually give you a reason why this important instead of saying "Dont want women" and leaving it at that for you to make your own meaning of the sentence.

Wanting is a disease. It absolutely is. Wanting causes men to pursue women at the cost of their dignity and once they have them they continue to cling on to them. They lash out occasionally when they think the woman is "doing them wrong" with anger, jealousy and even violence. Let me ask you something...what causes serial murderers? What causes rapists? Usually they are the result of an unhappy childhood. Because their unhappy parents lashed out at them or at each other and set a permanent imprint in the child's mind. Why were the parents unhappy? Because their parents were unhappy, all of this boils down to need and sexual repression. The need for sex paints everything we do unfortunately. If this were a sane society then we would have free sex, nothing would be taboo and it would all be very connected sex as well, but instead we're left busting a nut in the wife hat we despise after 5 minutes of unfullfilling sex. It's no wonder people are so pissed off. They spent their whole lives chasing what they thought would make them happy and now they're more miserable than ever. Sorry my friend, you are fucked.

I'm not asking everyone to be zen masters here, but it's true. The less you need to be happy, the more you can experience your natural hapiness. Why do you need to have sex? The good lord gave you two hands, didn't he? I know what you're saying "But Modern Libertine, sex is WAY better than masturbation!!!!" and I will agree with you...if it is connected sex. Connected sex, rejuvinates both parties and causes an escstatic bliss...but that is a conversation for the tantric thread. Unconnected sex is what your average person experiences. The man is trying to bust a nut. The woman is trying to cum before her 5 minute man busts a nut, both people are completely in their heads and it sucks in general. Why would you want that? I'll tell you why...

Bragging rights

You think you need it to be happy

You think you need it to be a man

1-Nobody gives a shit, a fuck OR a good goddamn about your sex life.

2- You've got a long road ahead of you...

3- No matter how much sex you have it doesn't make a substantial difference in your masculinity. It gives you a little more contrast to add to your frame of the world and maybe confidence if you are good at it, bit that's about it.

I have had hot sex before that was unconnected and afterwards, I was just thinking "Damn, I'd rather just squeeze my own damn pee pee. That was pointless." Doesn't make a difference how good it wasn't really because it was glorified masturbation if anything and most guys will go through their entire lives seeking glorified masturbation. Sad, but true. The fact that these are most of the guys that women have to interact with shows you why there are so many hardened women in the world and I will be the first one to point the finger at these mother fuckers for being the ones that are making american women so hardened. It starts with the need for something outside of yourself.

Enough of this gloom and doom. I will give you the flipside of this. When you start to get rid of the need to get sex from a woman then you can start to enjoy them for them. There are so many people that are constantly trying to get things from people in this world even on a very subtle level that when you can interact with someone and be totally present with them without any need whatsoever, that is one of the best gifts you can give them. You will enjoy great ease in your life when you can lessen the symptoms of this disease that we call "needing". For instance, once you give not a single shit concerning others opinions of you then you will have no problem speaking your honest truth to women or anyone in general. How many people do you know that can do that? I'll be surprised if you can name one. Most people's conversations are painted with the need for others approval.

Let's get metaphysical! When you stop NEEDING then you can start having. I know you've heard this before, but that's the way it is. Needing only provides more experiences to need and having can give you what you want almost immediately. I wouldn't be telling you guys this if I weren't speaking from personal experience. Let's have an example shall we? Me and one of my very best friends have this game we play called "What can we manifest next?" One time I told him that my story was now that soccer moms approach me and ask me out. Well I was at the grocery store about two hours later and a soccer mom I had talked to before another time walks by me and we chat about some nonsense for a few minutes and leave it at that. A little later I walk by her and make strong sexual eye contact with her and she recuprocates. At that point I get the strong urge to chase her, but I she's with her daughter AND I remember my story is that soccer moms pursue me not the other way around. I release it and accept that she is going to come over in about 5 minutes, ask me what I do for fun and proceed to ask me out. 5 minutes later(I shit you not) she...does...exactly...that. May have been a coincidence, but I thought that was a pretty shining example of what is possible.

I hope this cleared up what Marcus was talking about...or maybe it made it even worse...either way it will make for some good conversation, right?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:20 am 
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I agree with a lot of this, TML. Connected sex is SOOOOOOO much better than having sex for sport. Most times, I would rather masturbate than have sex with someone I'm not really connected with...and I usually do have the option to do so. But, because I dread the before and after that comes with the doing, I'd usually much rather just rub one out and go to sleep.

However, some of these guys have yet to have sex...AT ALL. So, it is easy for guys like us to get on this pedestal and preach this point. My stance is, these guys HAVE to go through it to totally understand it. Let them get up in a few chicks 1st to be able to properly draw their own conclusions. Conversely, there are guys out there that will NEVER get it...and it really makes me question their mental maturity levels.

You are absolutely right about most people (men and women) being selfish in the sack...people are just self centered in general nowadays. But, I love this. Why? Because when these women (and they are the majority) run into me, and experience what it feels like to be properly lavished, ravished and fucked silly...they never want to let me go. A woman I deal with currently has said that I am the 1st guy who ever bothered to pull out and wait a little bit if I felt the nut coming on...every other man she has ever been with is, like you so eloquently put it, in a rush to get his nut. She also said I'm the 1st guy she ever had an orgasm with without having to manual stimulate herself during sex...but alas I digress.

Bottom line: While TML and I don't see eye to eye on a few things, I totally concur with MOST of this post, and I consider it essential reading for those who have at least rolled around a few times. For you virgins in the building, come back to this post after you have done a few deeds. But do leave with this: women are not blow up dolls for your pleasure and your pleasure only. Go into sex with the right mindset, and women will turn into the most wonderful creatures you have ever had the privilege of being in the presence of. 8-)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:06 am 
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My bad, Kidd. I thought I specifically stated that you guys will probably have to have sex quite a bit before you realize this and there's nothing wrong with that. (I think it was in the first post I made that got deleted). When you haven't had a kiss, it can be the most exciting thing in the world when you get one. Then you realize it's just a kiss. Same for sex and you keep achieving different things and growing as a person. The journey is certainly exciting though.

Thanks for pointing that out, Kidd. I thought I put that part in there again as it is an important part.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:26 am 
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Some people are more hands on type learners, but you're right. It's not neccesary in all cases to a lot of something to be able to give up needing it. It just helps sometimes to have the kind of context to know exactly why you dont need it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:38 am 

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TheModernLibertine wrote:
I'd rather just squeeze my own damn pee pee.
Great post man, this part made me laugh so hard :lol: . You made my day :D

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:38 pm 
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ML - perfect timing here my man.

Here I am on my first day here, after 10 years, moving from a city over over 9 million people, back to my small hometown of 150K people. Most all of my friends are gone, a few scattered here and there. I'll be hitting the social scene soon again, but in a different way of course, and my perspective lines up with yours here. I've now got some time to really clear my mind and make real connections again.

Just this morning I was thinking "with all the women I've slept with, what's another if there's no connection there?" It's like eating a bad of skittles, sugar high for a few minutes then bam to the bottom. I've had plenty of connected sex, but plenty of not connected sex, and I agree it's like the difference between eating a full wholesome well-balanced meal vs. eating a McDonalds happy meal. In fact the feeling when it's over is very much the same if you have both eaten meals in this way, and also had the two different types of sex. For guys that haven't yet had sex, you'll see!

I also equate this to an addictive cycle of chasing the peaks/rushes that most everyone does today vs. a constant wave of happiness that can underly what ever superfical emotions one is feeling. By superficial emotions I mean the daily happy, sad, angry, calm, etc. Emotions aren't all that deep that are indicators and guides of what we are experiencing. Once you realize this it's much easier to "control" them - though to control them you must feel them. I once had a teacher who described it like this and it made a ton of sense. When you chase the peak, you eventually have a crash. Extreme example is doing cocaine where you feel great for an hour (peak), and after that you jones for more (valley). But that's what our society has also been built to sell products, control people, etc (matrix).

I was recently hanging with a bunch of guys that were always trying to "get laid" and I picked up that vibe a bit, chasing that unfulfilling booty. It's that connection with a women that has to come first, and to be honest, I've been out of that vibe for a while, but it's all coming back now and I've been having great connections everywhere, flirting like a happy monster.

Love the soccer mom thing, I love hot moms.

Kidd - No offense, but I'm surprised to hear you say this about connection, given all the tactical stuff that you do, that never indicated much about connection with a women. I'm pleasantly surprised. BTW I was speaking to a friend who I've reconnected with here that we both have an attraction for each other, and was having fun with planting those subconscious seeds. It's just fun to do, and feel that energy.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:14 pm 
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Kidd - No offense, but I'm surprised to hear you say this about connection, given all the tactical stuff that you do, that never indicated much about connection with a women. I'm pleasantly surprised. BTW I was speaking to a friend who I've reconnected with here that we both have an attraction for each other, and was having fun with planting those subconscious seeds. It's just fun to do, and feel that energy.
Well, that's the thing. My tactics are designed to disarm women and rip the bitch shield away, if you will. After you do that, it's like a box of never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes there is an actual genuine and sincere woman under there who was just scared to get hurt anymore...other times, you remove the bitch to reveal...a bitch. :lol:

I'm just saying, in my 37 years, I've had more than my fair share of sexual experiences with women. I was settled down for about 6 years with my baby mama, but then she decided to not finish how SHE started and that was that. Turned out the Matrix had set me up with the Woman in Red. :(

See, my tactics are designed for the majority of women you run into in America...and they are full of shit and very manipulative. So basically, if they ask for it, I'm more than happy to give it to them! :twisted:

But that doesn't mean that rare Pokemon don't exist in the wild. With that I mean, when I was younger and fresh in this mindset, I was so jaded and convinced that ALL women were out to get me, that I passed up quite a few rare women...the ones who weren't about bullshit. So now, I pay better attention to what is paying me attention, and if I run into a woman who doesn't come at me with bullshit, and is about something. I give her the benefit of the doubt and overcompensate a little bit and give her the chance to disqualify herself.

I'm not a cold robot...though I used to be. But, depending on the woman in question, I still CAN be. 8-)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:31 pm 
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The Kidd!! wrote:

Well, that's the thing. My tactics are designed to disarm women and rip the bitch shield away, if you will. After you do that, it's like a box of never know what you're gonna get. Sometimes there is an actual genuine and sincere woman under there who was just scared to get hurt anymore...other times, you remove the bitch to reveal...a bitch. :lol:

I'm just saying, in my 37 years, I've had more than my fair share of sexual experiences with women. I was settled down for about 6 years with my baby mama, but then she decided to not finish how SHE started and that was that. Turned out the Matrix had set me up with the Woman in Red. :(

See, my tactics are designed for the majority of women you run into in America...and they are full of shit and very manipulative. So basically, if they ask for it, I'm more than happy to give it to them! :twisted:

But that doesn't mean that rare Pokemon don't exist in the wild. With that I mean, when I was younger and fresh in this mindset, I was so jaded and convinced that ALL women were out to get me, that I passed up quite a few rare women...the ones who weren't about bullshit. So now, I pay better attention to what is paying me attention, and if I run into a woman who doesn't come at me with bullshit, and is about something. I give her the benefit of the doubt and overcompensate a little bit and give her the chance to disqualify herself.

I'm not a cold robot...though I used to be. But, depending on the woman in question, I still CAN be. 8-)
Yep I agree that many are this way, being manipulative. It's fantastic to see this - and you're one of the few that have helped me see it. The key is to be objective, and the best way to do that is to have them chasing you from the get go, because as humans the more work we put in the more attached we get. I get that for sure now. Until you know she's worth it, then we can put some work back in (though not too much - heh). Too much pickup community flipped the switch the other way, even though I know see that before pickup I understood certain things intuitively already...and others well I just didn't believe in myself.

I have found that most want to manipulate me into a relationship so I can be "all theirs" - just good old matrix programming on their side too. Of course different than being about connection, they seem to get those two confused, and in the past so did I. It's taken me a strong will to resist that and not just fall into relationships I don't want, though I had slacked in the last few months with one girl and didn't set the precedent before she did - it ended...not well. Not that it was a relationship but she stated "how she did things" and I said nothing. So I had to end it cuz it was too far gone, and I just didn't set it up right. She was disappointed that it ended, but it wasn't gonna work. Ah well, my fault, that one.

I like what you've said about the bitchy front and the gem underneath. I guess I've often just disregarded them when they were this way or else they weren't bitchy to me, but maybe to others. Makes me also thinking about melting them vs. cracking them. But whatever works :twisted:

Read up on what woman in red was, didn't know, got it now. Sucks, but woke you up to what become the man you are.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:48 pm 
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I think 'Grinus said it best with this quote to say to them bitches :mrgreen: :

"Are you always this bitchy when you see something that you like?"

Love, love, LOVE that quote! :D

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:40 pm 
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I think 'Grinus said it best with this quote to say to them bitches :

"Are you always this bitchy when you see something that you like?"

Love, love, LOVE that quote!
I'm using that...soon. Too funny to pass up.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:39 am 
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TheModernLibertine wrote:
Connected sex, rejuvinates both parties and causes an escstatic bliss...
TheModernLibertine wrote:
Unconnected sex is what your average person experiences. The man is trying to bust a nut. The woman is trying to cum before her 5 minute man busts a nut, both people are completely in their heads and it sucks in general.
I agree completely. This ironically is also why women find sex a let down, guys are so focussed on busting a nut that the woman gets an empty experience, heck they both do only the guy doesnt realise it. As below:
TheModernLibertine wrote:
I have had hot sex before that was unconnected and afterwards, I was just thinking "Damn, I'd rather just squeeze my own damn pee pee. That was pointless." Doesn't make a difference how good it wasn't really because it was glorified masturbation if anything and most guys will go through their entire lives seeking glorified masturbation. Sad, but true. The fact that these are most of the guys that women have to interact with shows you why there are so many hardened women in the world and I will be the first one to point the finger at these mother fuckers for being the ones that are making american women so hardened.
The Kidd!! wrote:
Connected sex is SOOOOOOO much better than having sex for sport. Most times, I would rather masturbate than have sex with someone I'm not really connected with...and I usually do have the option to do so. But, because I dread the before and after that comes with the doing, I'd usually much rather just rub one out and go to sleep.
For some reason, sport sex has not appealed to me, I have tried it and it left me with this big EMPTY feeling, something major was missing. I was basically masturbating using a living being and it felt empty.
I have spoken to guys who do sport sex regularly and they agree (ironically) however they are still caught up in the whole 'must chase pussy' thing. I tried to show them a different viewpoint, they were locked into theirs and closed to suggestion.

The connection to me is more important than the physical busting a nut.
Stopping/re-starting, building up, letting it fade a bit, building up again.. Playing around with the feelings and emotions flowing in both of you. Taking your time and savoring the experience not just the blow up at the end.


Brings to mind a conversation with a woman recently, who sat there amazed afterwards and said to me that it was such a different experience to what she was used to.
She said that most guys she had been with were in such a rush to fuck her that they would not take the time to enjoy the experience or ALLOW HER TO GIVE THEM PLEASURE.

She had spent quite a while playing with me, without me reciprocating, touching, blowjob, more touching... Teasing me up that hill... Knowing that I was not chasing the peak and was happy enjoying the experience. It was up to her to get me up the hill, she could take as long as she wanted, given free reign to play, knowing I would not jump in and start running up the hill and leave her behind.

She said she loved it, really loved it, being given the space to do that. <hint>

This is a reaction I am used to, it did not surprise me, that surprised her. She was like a kid who had discovered a new toy and could not stop playing with it (me) for the feelings she got from it.

This ties into Kidds comment here:
The Kidd!! wrote:
You are absolutely right about most people (men and women) being selfish in the sack...people are just self centered in general nowadays. But, I love this. Why? Because when these women (and they are the majority) run into me, and experience what it feels like to be properly lavished, ravished and fucked silly...they never want to let me go. A woman I deal with currently has said that I am the 1st guy who ever bothered to pull out and wait a little bit if I felt the nut coming on...every other man she has ever been with is, like you so eloquently put it, in a rush to get his nut.
This is something I get almost all the time after being with a woman. Some women along the way have even given this as a reason to keep away from me, they get this vibe that I am not chasing the nut beforehand and it scares the shit out of them [discussed in another thread]
davidhnow wrote:
I also equate this to an addictive cycle of chasing the peaks/rushes that most everyone does today vs. a constant wave of happiness that can underly what ever superfical emotions one is feeling.
When you chase the peak, you eventually have a crash.
spaceman wrote:
I don't think it's important to have sex before you can realize what's written in this post. I'm a virgin and I understand it completely.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:20 pm 
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It's okay to have a big ego if everyone doesn't know that you have it. 8-)

The key is not to stop wanting, or to ground yourself into believing that you don't lies in having the discipline to not be attached to the outcome. For example, there is a woman in my life right now that I really, really want. But, at the same time, if she doesn't come around I can not give a fuck at the drop of a hat, and also in the meantime while she figures out what she wants to do.

Grounding is hooey. 8-)

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:37 am 
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The Kidd!! wrote:
Grounding is hooey. 8-)
I am also more in doubt of it now.
Out of curiousity, did you ever try The Kidd?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:23 am 
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Naled wrote:
The Kidd!! wrote:
Grounding is hooey. 8-)
I am also more in doubt of it now.
Out of curiousity, did you ever try The Kidd?

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:32 am 
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There are videos on youtube from Anthony De Mello where he explains well attachement, what it is etc...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:01 am 
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TREASURE CHEST this thread please [ img ]

peregrinus wrote:
This is something I get almost all the time after being with a woman. Some women along the way have even given this as a reason to keep away from me, they get this vibe that I am not chasing the nut beforehand and it scares the shit out of them [discussed in another thread]
Someone please point the thread in question ? :geek:

Are they scared because they know they couldn't resist you ? (isn't it a rhetorical question ? :lol: )

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:13 am 
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Great stuff, I can gladly say I'm not the guy who tries to bust a nut. :lol:

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:31 pm 
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peregrinus wrote:
This is something I get almost all the time after being with a woman. Some women along the way have even given this as a reason to keep away from me, they get this vibe that I am not chasing the nut beforehand and it scares the shit out of them [discussed in another thread]
Little gem from the seduction community - ... cares#p914

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