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PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:17 pm 
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I love this guy's concepts, I want to adopt them. He basically says focus on your lifestyle and women will come. He parties at the time (that's his interest) and has developed connections with many people. He had people getting him into places for free, goes places with models, etc. He's legit, He has pics to prove it. I have a video I'll put up later, it was for his friends. He's a tall ass black dude. Excerpt
Experience Is Key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what most lack, an like most human's who want to race to conclusions (by creating beliefs) and end up falling into belief traps. The reason EXPERIENCE is the holy grail of self-improvement is because IF YOU HAVE FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE BELIEF IS NOT REQUIRED. Reread what I just wrote. Imagine you're a basketball player who discovered when you flicked your wrist after each jump shot it was more probable to go in and the whole league said "No that's a scam". Would you jump ship??? These "nay sayers" probably have a different form (Different applications, processes awill be more profitable for THEM) or never even played basketball (Don't even have fucking experience just using their faith), YOU know the flick of the wrist is profitable because you have LOADS of first hand experience, there is no need for any faith or belief to back it up. You have PERSONAL EXPERIENCE to back it up.

Which brings me to the fact that lessons are learned when you have enough experience to backup the knowledge. Time is a construct that is important to help you actually be aware of GROWTH because it happens in the small increments. The accumulation of small steps over time will lead to growth. (When you measure the before and after states) So the main focus should be on taking 1 small step at a time in the general direction an no matter what understand that you'll reach where you need to be so longs your always taking a step forward in the general direction. (MBT, only talked about trying out meditation for 6 months)

This is why 30 day challenges are productive since it's a TOOL or PROCESS that basically forces a person to gain experience because he has to go out 30 days in a row. That means the person is gain tons of experiences at a faster rate, learning more lessons (lots of experience to back things up) and overall change much faster due the internal shifts he's made and all the new concepts, analogies, processes, etc that he's created to explain the model of his reality. (The knowledge/truths he has based on the experiences he's gained)

Ego Free Environment
People have a misconception of ego/fears because that is the shit that causes this whole addiction to "Feeling Good". The whole thing is safe, secure, comfortable and actually can retard your growth. Living on the edge by constantly growing is where actual stability lies. If you were actually exploring HONESTLY while checking the proof of your knowledge/truths you'd never bother to hide behind your ego/fears. Why?

ALL RESULTS COME TO YOU, if you explored honestly in an ego-free manner you'd make the correct (profitable) internal changes which would produce the proper feedback within your reality. You'd lose the idea of needing, wanting or desiring anything because you understand you can manifest those things by making those internal changes. (aka growing up)

When you tamper with the process of exploration by letting your fears, beliefs, (no experience, lives through the faith you have in that belief thought) wants, desires, needs, etc influence you then you risk causing yourself to fall into a belief trap. No matter how important the area of exploration is you MUST let it play out in whatever manner it plays out and be honest about your experience. If the thoughts provide any profitable states towards where your headed then it's not knowledge/truth for YOU.

The Cure
Understand your knowledge is limited, so explore with an open mind and remain skeptical. Only ponder the possibilites an explore those possibilities to see if those potential possibilities were right or wrong. Proving a potential possibility wrong is profitable since it causes you not to fall into belief traps. However, jumping to conclusions creating all these concepts, tools, analogies, processes, etc that PRODUCES ZERO PROFITABILITY can stop your whole growth because your caught up in a belief trap.

So go gain experience that will help lead to the formulation of your conclusions...

The Big Picture...
I'm a rather spiritual dude but more an more as I grow up, I'm becoming one of those "Grow Or Die" types instead of a "new agey feel good" type. One of the hardest lessons I learned in MBT is his mention about evolution weeping no tears an having no compassion for those who refuse to play the evolution game. If you don't grow, you will have to deal with the logical consequences which is basically THE SAME REALITY YOU LIVE IN (Which will get worst an worst as you just park in the comfy zone of "Least Resistence")

So you want to get good with women BUT you don't even go out. That's cool, no one is keeping score or telling you what to do. Heck, for some people messing around with women isn't of any value in their reality, that unattractive dull chick in his hometown will do because all he cares about is coaching his high school football team. However, if your on this site then you'd like women in your reality so you can't use that as a justification...

So, when a year goes by an you "Check The Pudding" (by looking back on the past year "before" & "after" states) an notice the consistency of your reality shows that you still SUCK with women. Heck, you might actually be even worst because you let your ego/fear hold you back instead of living on the edge an actually GROWING UP.

When people always ask questions an have certain debates with the intention of "Trying to find out who's right or wrong" they don't realize if they were focused on growth they'd answer their own question. They would go outside, an play around with different ways of being, intentions and processes to gain experience an come up with the conclusions that are profitable to them. (It's possible that the knowledge/truth they find might not even be well known)

...Strong Reality!?!?
Dudes go into a venue living in such a small reality because they're reality is in CHAOS, there is no structure or organization internally because they don't even have experience to backup their model of reality. Basically they're like a low-level bandit who can only rob villages far from the castle because they lack PERSONAL POWER to actually influence the external shared space we live in. What I mean is, dudes have all these beliefs that they read, watched or heard from someone an just assume it's right and now they are riding on FAITH. (A paradox wouldn't confuse you if the contradicting concepts made sense within YOUR PERSONAL understanding of how it's applicable and profitable to you)

Whereas a man living on the edge who only cares about growth an knows on the path of growth and exploration he will have all the shit that is probable to be on this path. (This case all sorts of things dealing with women) He goes out just experiencing the process, not worried about the end result because he knows all this experience will help him piece together all the profitable aspects that forms his reality

He isn't FEARFUL of any rejection or what people thinks because he knows they it'll just slow down his growth process. He tries things not for validation but for the sake of growing an as a result he experiences, learns and grows. Eventually he pieces together many processes, concepts that are backed by lots of first hand experience. They produce consistent objective mearsurable results...

So when he "Taste The Pudding" all the processes working together unfolds in a way where consistently he is messing around with women and having sex. Did he grow or improve? If you measure his state of reality a year ago (Before) compare it to NOW (After) it's obvious that when he rolls up on a chick they GENERALLY perk up an listen. In the past year he's been getting more an more physical with women, an he managed to have 2 fuck buddies for about 3 weeks.

He could jump back in the frying pan along with his awards OR he can continue to GROW an face new challenges and obstacles that brings beyond his current capability. Who knows, 10 years from now his journey could take him to a headspace where his INTENT is to help as many women as possible experience a new level of sexual pleasure. This won't be influenced by FEAR or EGO because he's been taking 1 small step at a time for a year, anyone who see's him NOW only see's the current packaging. (However, ask his high school friend how he was BEFORE an have him explain him NOW)

P.S...I felt this needed to be said because in all fields they're is an actual lack of exploration and only a focus on getting some form of end result for an ego-based purpose. A man who is just a person who's focused on exploration and growth doesn't care about the results because the experiences are given. If your exploring the realms of social dynamics it's a given that sex will be part of the experience, there isn't really a need to WANT or DESIRE it because as you grow more and more it'll eventually COME TO YOU. A man who just enjoys going out an escalating on women will PROBABLY end up having sex with a woman. Even if he doesn't want or care about such things, the mere fact is that he will experience such things because on a BEING level he is the way he is an it produces that type of experiences in his reality just for the fact that it is him. Excerpt-
Prepare For A Mindfuck!!!!
The major difference between man and woman is the fact that men are like wine and women are like fish. Both are great just a different life experience.

A man, can be a shitty wine or aged into perfection depending on how its developed. A woman can be any form of fish but when its first caught its fresh until it eventually becomes rotten.

For women the quality of their social/sex life is highly unpredicatble and based heavily on...
- Their LOOKS
- Their Social Circle

This is how a model chick could have a sick social life but a shitty sex life due to no one approaching her or very unsavory characters. Meanwhile an average chick is hit on a ton and have CRUISE SHIP SIZED POOL. Even more interesting, a MIDWESTERN PAGEAT MODEL moves to vegas rolling with a crew of glamour models getting the least attentiom. Regardless, every day that goes by new fish are turning 18/21 and each day those looks fade. Fresh fish is better than spoiled fish.

For men, if we choose too we could develop ourselves and gain some depth in our personality and the more we age is the more experience we have and the more possibilities and lessons we learn. You can get better and better at BEING YOU.

A girl and guy born in 1979, the hot woman who is now 33 isn't as hot as that 21 year old model who just walked in. HOWEVER, that 33 yr old man has developed such a sick lifestyle that not only does he have the 33 yr old with him but those 21 yr old models are with him too. They all want him and now its his CHOICE who he wants. Its due to men chasing we never realized WE ARE THE OPPORTUNITY and women are suppose to be chasing us. Now for the sad part...

The Unsung Dildo
In society its funny to laugh at man who gets no pussy and jerks it to internet porn. But no one laughs at all the women dildoing themselves to sleep and are trying to keep it together internally cause their so horny.
- I've seen friendships between women end, most bizarre one chick yells at her friend who I am leaving with and then just grabs some random guy outside on the street who she possibly met in the club for 1min and hops in a taxi. My girl became homeless and had to leave NY. (She moved to U.S staying with that girl)
- Chick refusing my friend to fuck his gf at her house becauese if she heard them having sex again she'd cry. Keep in mind, she had sex the day before with some guy she knew and ran into end of the night. AND she also has a fucking BF.
- Sisters cockblocking each other and getting pissed. Chick wanted to leave her sister bag and phoneless all because she didnt want to wait 10mins for club to close out. Her explanation, cause when she ran into an old fuckbuddy her sister said she can't leave unless one of his friends fucks her.

Now an interesting example, model chick I know is engaged BUT its abit wierd...
- She enjoys being around me
- Bumped into each other after almost a 4-5 months in a GAY PARTY (My natural friend is bi-sexual) which she stated she disliked how much men CHASED HER in the usual venues I frequent.
- Met her fiance, business owner, laid-back kind of guy. Even invited me to a private event.

NOW, last time I seen her, as usual I was joking around so I told her I wanted her to meet my female friend so they could fuck around. SHE WAS DOWN (Her fiance's partner calls out to her not knowing who I am) I let her go.

We bump into each other later while she is with her fiance. She starts asking me about meeting all my GALS. I ask what's her type if she likes xyz type. She starts talking about how she wants to get eaten out by xyz type. Her fiance hears all this basically implying, "Don't bother introducing her, she's just drunk talking." When he says he doesn't like xyz type she just shut him down in a "this isn't about you, its about me". Even stating he should be thankful of having the potential 3some.

Its brutal!!! On the women side, Which leads me too...

The UnFabolous Life Of Women
Its always the same shitty story of women BORED waiting for a fucking metoer to hit and make their life exciting. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST LET THEM TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR SOCIAL/SEX LIFE...

A woman's sex life is dependent on that POOL OF CHASERS unless a fascinating man shows up allowing for some new excitement to her life.

Ever notice women enter clubs LOOKING FOR FUN instead of working the room. Yep, as usual they are waiting around for CHASERS TO DO THEIR CHASING. All their doing is going out hoping to better their POOL. Ever notice once a girl gets a BF they usually don't go out OR if they do it just so happens they're still FOOLING AROUND WITH YOU.

The right man can drastically change her life, an epic social life along with sex. DAMN, lots of anxiety is lifted off her shoulders no more dildo nights for the time being. Its ironic, the 2 girls crying about my natural friends were crying about THERE LIFESTYLE ACCESS THAT HAS NOW ENDED. Need I say more?

Focus on living an incredible lifestyle...
You don't need to ever hit on chicks or TRY because you are naturally attractive. YOU ARE THE OPPORTUNITY...

The best route is developing your life around things your passionate about and continually take it to the next level. Allow people to come along by simply inviting them to come along. This is the highest form of expression as it shows WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE.

Cold approach aka "socialize" during the day and night but focus more on living. What do you do in life? Welp invite people. You like watching some tv show bring 2-3 chicks over to chill and drink. You like shopping for food, bring 2-3 chicks along and to smoke with you later. (For you weed heads) You going out with your boys, bring 4-5 girls along. The gist is to always have women around you as you go about your life.
Show Up & Give Opportunities/Excuses
You are the supermodel aka "The Opportunity"...

The whole game or SELF AMUSEMENT is how she wants your body and soul, the only way she gets you is if she NOT ONLY MEETS YOUR CRITERIA but IF YOU CHOOSE TO HOOKUP.

Whether she is interested or not is irrelevant, "does she meet your criteria? Are you going to choose her? Now? later today? Tomorrow? Next week?

The fun and self-amusement comes about based on how you create these opportunities/excuses for her to do what she already wants to do?
You need to change your whole viewpoint of sex. Its simply a FUN activity to express your sexuality and should be treated so. Which means you must drop all the cultural beliefs that binds you...
- Stop caring if you ever do anything sexually with any girl
- Stop caring if one girl see's you with another girl (or multiple women)
- Stop caring if another guy goes for your girl whether they simply exchange numbers or she kiss/fucks him RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU

TRADITIONAL DATING has nothing to do with actual sex. Once you set a dating frame its a whole interaction of "Where Is This Going?" You have now limited and cheapened the experience. ESPECIALLY if your chasing. I bet every dude who has done a date or day2 was thinking when will be the first time you have sex with her.

Sex is like dancing, if you wanna do it, just do it. If you TRULY want to have sex/fun just provide the opportunity/excuse. The key is that YOU MIGHT BE WILLING TO HOOKUP its never 100%. If she jumps at the opportunity/excuse then IF YOU SO CHOOSE GO.

I can't even express how much of a game changer this is. This is what has lead to grabbing/sucking tits for no reason and fingering in plain sight of a busy club. 3way makeouts, people getting naked in the club. Kissing women on the lips as a way of hi & bye. Women making out with other women.

When you have massive SEXUAL INTELLIGENCE you become so free sexually that women will be comfortable and calibrate to you. Keep in mind, I learnt most of this from lesbians, bi men/women and gays. (Straight men are more uptight/reserved) When I say I changed internally...
The General Outergame
This is actually the easiest aspect to implement the main gist is SHOW UP and provide opportunities/excuses...
- No need to hit on girls or plow through resistance
- No no to build/gain attraction YOU ARE ATTRACTION
- No need for wasteful phone game
- No need to try/hope for anything sexual

- Show Up
- Give people the opportunity to meet you (few seconds to 5min interactions)
- If someone peaks your interest give your # and have them text you and/or simply give them the excuse/opportunity to "hookup"

Give # simply for social reasons and have her text you her name, its all about opportunities/excuses. Others might dislike that so just have her text you later in the night or another day. Others want to hookup asap so JUST CALL HER OUT or let her know you might be willing. Its all about being creative and see it as her opportunity/excuse. Heck, I've even said "Yo 5mins were leaving" and then we leave. Or randomly "Not sure if I can come over tonight will see"

TEXT GAME, she did text your name so you do have her number but its for LOGISTICS ONLY, for now on you only interact face to face. Either you are INVITING or HOOKING UP. Text her what your doing and that she is welcome to come along OR again a simply "Yea, I might be able to come over xyz day or xyz day". It doesn't matter if its random its HER OPPORTUNITY. Any BS just friendzone or simple move on

"...There is only one thing you can do. Master that one thing!...What you must be doing is visualizing yourself at your most powerful. You don't need any external enemies. The only opponent you must fight, is none other than your own image."

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:55 pm 
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We should invite him over

He wrote about marquee value, too...

And I like how he talks about how he learned things about sexuality from lesbians, I Second that

..And I started using the word profitable week ago in my daily language and then you post THIS GUY using it like I do :lol:

(BTW, the concepts you like about him are the same talked about here as far as I understand it.. Just sayin)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:57 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:55 pm
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Pretty sure everything we could ever need is already here, in condensed form. Why look elsewhere?

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:12 am 
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Altair wrote:
Pretty sure everything we could ever need is already here, in condensed form. Why look elsewhere?
hmmm, I found him awhile back. This post was mostly for me....Some ego shit. I like DL because he inspired me and I can relate a little bit to him, so I posted to make sure it was "correct" because I wanna copy what he does.

"...There is only one thing you can do. Master that one thing!...What you must be doing is visualizing yourself at your most powerful. You don't need any external enemies. The only opponent you must fight, is none other than your own image."

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:16 am 
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Altair wrote:
Pretty sure everything we could ever need is already here, in condensed form. Why look elsewhere?
It is good to have it put in different ways, just like Peregrinus and Kidd say same things in different words. It helps to grasp the concept of it.

Laying on the floor in a pool of blood and cum
My demons lay beside as I kiss them one by one
Then on that day I met a force that nothing will compare
I was born the son of evil when I fuck the devil there!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:58 am 
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Not really tbh, if you go to the gym. And learn how to do a deadlift, how much does information help you after you know the technique vs actually doing it.

It's not about this way is better than that way it's just serving as a distraction from actually doing the work. :|

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:28 am 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
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Sweet...another tall ass black dude. :mrgreen:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:53 am 
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Altair wrote:
Not really tbh, if you go to the gym. And learn how to do a deadlift, how much does information help you after you know the technique vs actually doing it.

It's not about this way is better than that way it's just serving as a distraction from actually doing the work. :|
Absurd analogy. Deadlifting can be explained in one sentence, look how many posts are made daily on that forum. If the concept was so easily digestible (it is simple but not easy to integrate) we wouldn't have this forum. Sometimes it is easier for me to understand what kidd says, sometimes it is easier to listen to Peregrinus.

Laying on the floor in a pool of blood and cum
My demons lay beside as I kiss them one by one
Then on that day I met a force that nothing will compare
I was born the son of evil when I fuck the devil there!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:03 pm 
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rekieter wrote:
Absurd analogy. Deadlifting can be explained in one sentence, look how many posts are made daily on that forum.
Strawman, but whatever floats your boat. ;)

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:12 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:51 pm
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Good stuff!

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:54 am
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The first article was gold. A very enjoyable read, Flux.

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