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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:35 am 
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I receive emails from "Attraction institute" and maybe these two can help "repeating" what's already here but differently ...
Have you ever felt like you just weren't meant to attract the woman of your dreams?

Have you ever felt like there was just some kind of flaw in you that meant you were ever going to be as attractive as some other guys?

It's ok to say yes.

Just about everyone I've ever met has been there at some point in their life.

And whenever they tell me that there's just something wrong with them, there's one thing I always say:

"You're right! There is something wrong with you. And that's that you believe there's something "wrong" with you."

There's nothing wrong with you.

Everything you currently do isn't a flaw. You're not broken.

The way you react to, and interact with the world a skill that you've developed over time. You developed this skill because at the time, it was helping you get where you wanted to go.

You're not born being nervous and shutting down around beautiful women.

You're not born holding yourself back.

You're not born getting in your own way.

These are all skills that you've developed to help you get where you wanted to go.

I don't know your story but I'm going to guess that at some point in your life, you expressed yourself openly and fully and you experienced pain due to this.

Maybe it was sharing yourself in the classroom.

Maybe it was telling a girl how you felt. Whatever it was for you, it set up a chain reaction in your life.

You created an association between sharing yourself and experiencing pain.

You didn't want to experience any more pain so you learnt not to share yourself. The more you held yourself back, the more you reinforced this mechanism.

There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all.

In fact, you're a perfect machine that's developed to help you get where you thought you wanted to go.

If you find that you're not currently experiencing life in the way you want, it could be time to change some of these skills you've developed..

.. don't get bogged in your head thinking that you're broken in some way.
It seems that the last email you got really hit a nerve.

Turns out that being stuck in your head is quite a big barrier that is preventing a lot of guys from living the life they desire.

We had quite a bit of response from guys asking about the specific mechanisms at play.. I've decided to give you a couple of the tools you need to help you get out of your head.

The first thing you need to be aware of is that being stuck in your head is a skill.

You're were not born analyzing the world with constant mind chatter running through your brain.

You developed it somewhere in your life because you thought it was necessary to get what you wanted out of life.

This is a really important point because it gives you a clue to how to get out of your head for good. If being stuck in your head is a skill then being out of your head is also a skill.

So what's this skill used for?

Skill aren't an endpoint - they're a pathway to get where you want to go. So what is this skill of analyzing the external environment used for?

You're doing it to get somewhere.

I don't know about exactly what you're going through in your life, but there's somewhere you want to go and you're using the skill of being stuck in your head to get there.

The trick to getting out of your head isn't just to try and focus on something else - it's to find a new pathway to get where you want to go.

If you can find a new way to get where you want to go without being stuck in your head then you're going to drop that skill and use a different skill.

So why are you in your head? What are you trying to achieve?

Are you trying to avoid getting rejected? Is that why you're stuck in your head analysing the external environment?

And how would you feel if you didn't get rejected? Like you were part of something, like you were important, like you mattered to someone?

What if you didn't need to avoid rejection to feel like this?

What if you already felt like this regardless of how this woman responded to you? Would it really matter what she thought?

Would you still be stuck in your head trying to come up with ways to make her like you?

Probably not.

Why else are you stuck in your head?

Are you trying to avoid running out of things to say? Are you trying to avoid the feeling of embarrassment and failure that come with those awkward silences?

And how would you feel if you didn't run out of things to say? How would you feel if all your conversations were smooth and flowing? Would you feel competent, capable, and free?

What if you didn't need to not run out of things to say in order to feel like this?

What if you felt like this in your entire life? Would you really care what this one woman thought? Would you still be stuck in your head trying to come up with ways to extend the conversation?

Probably not.

So, should you just make sure that you feel powerful, free, connected and open in the rest of your life? Is that they way to get out of your head with women?

You could, but that would only be a bandaid solution because it's not dealing with the core issues.

The reason that being powerful, connected, and free gets you out of your head with women is that you stop focusing on the outcome.

When you stop trying to force a specific outcome, you stop trying to be something that you're not and you don't have to get stuck in your head.

But if you have to force the outcome in the rest of your life in order to feel the way you want to feel then you're going to be training yourself to be stuck in your head.

You're going to be training the specific skill that you're trying to remove in your interactions with women.

The reason you're stuck in your head is because you're trying to force an outcome.

Getting out of your head involves learning how to find what you're looking for regardless of the outcome. It's finding ways to feel powerful, connected, open, and free, regardless of the outcome - not because of it.

If you think you need to get a certain outcome in life to experience what you're looking for then you're always going to be stuck in your head trying to create that outcome.

You're going to be analyzing the external environment for ways you can manipulate it into giving you what you're looking for.

If you learn how to experience what you're looking for through the way you act, rather than how people respond to those actions, then you're not going to need to be stuck in your head because the outcome wont matter.

If you think you need to get people to approve of and validate you for you to feel connected, then you're always going to be stuck in your head, trying to work out what the people around you approve of - so you can demonstrate those traits.

If you think you need to drop your barriers and openly express yourself to feel the connection you're looking for, then you're not going to need to be stuck in your head.

You're going to be able to let go of the dialogue in your head, let down your walls, and open up to those around you.

What I'm talking about here is two different pathways that people can follow to experience what they're looking for.

Trying to experience things through the outcome of your actions is what I call the 'Getting' pathway and being able to find it through the actions you take is what I call the 'Doing' pathway.
They are the guys who offer "Seduction Community sucks" and sell "End Game", good reads overall (you can find them "Scribdeasily" on internet if you want).

PS : There is another pathway, which is 'Creating'.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:56 am 
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This whole "dreamgirl" shit is where most guys have it wrong from the get go...swallowing the red pill is step #1.

The honey doesn't chase the bee.

A wise man once said "I find that a duck's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have bread."

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:34 pm 
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ManniJa wrote:
This whole "dreamgirl" shit is where most guys have it wrong from the get go...swallowing the red pill is step #1.
I quoted the entire post, but my goal putting it here was for the perception shift that he says on the second post.
It's just (as I said in the post) repeating again that you shouldn't search "happiness/love/anything" from the girls/others/outside, but rather allowing/creating/feeling it yourself and act after, without NEEDING anything, because you already have it.

I liked his way of putting things together...

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:10 pm 
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Another good thread from them :

What’s the common denominator in every issue you face with women?

Go on, think about it.

Think about very problem you face. What’s the common theme that runs through all of them?

No, I’m not talking about looks, money, fame or status.

No, I’m not talking about fear, anxiety, women, or doubt.

I’m talking about the core issue in EVERY problem you face.

I’m talking about you.

You are the common theme that runs through every problem you face with women.

You are the one experiencing the problem. Without you, there would be no problem so therefore, you are the common denominator in EVERY problem you face.

It might seem like the outside world is conspiring to limit your success with women but it’s not.

Think about it like this: for there to be a problem that’s caused by the external environment, it must be consistent in EVERY situation.

If it’s not consistent, if it can be proven wrong, then it can’t be the problem. There must be something else causing your lack of success.

Does anxiety hold every single person on earth back from approaching women?

Does running out of things to say prevent every guy from ever talking to a woman?

Does the possibility of getting a negative response anchor every guy to the ground?

Does the fear of judgement freeze every guy in his tracks?

If you answered no to any of these questions then it can’t be the outside world that’s the problem. If it’s not a problem for everyone then it must be created by you.

- No-one and nothing is preventing you from approaching women. You are the only one holding yourself back.

- Being judged by other people isn’t a problem. The fact that you value other peoples opinions of yourself more than you value your own is the problem.

- Being rejected by women isn’t the problem. The fact that you value her reaction to you more than you value yourself is the problem.

- Approach anxiety isn’t the problem. The fact that you experience anxiety and try and run away from it is the problem.

- Running out of things to say isn’t the problem. The fact that you’re trying to convince women who you have nothing to say to, to sleep with you is the problem.

- Past experiences aren’t the problem. The fact that you let your past experiences dictate how you live your life today is the problem.

- Limited success in the past with women isn’t your problem. The fact that you’re not willing to own that and push forward anyway is your problem.

- Her bitchyness isn’t the problem. The fact that you’re trying to convince bitchy women to be nice to you is the problem.

- Your nervousness isn’t the problem. The fact that you’re trying to hide your nervousness is the problem.

- Your lack of confidence isn’t the problem. The fact that you’re waiting to have confidence before you do the activities that you need to do to build confidence is the problem.

There’s no ‘problem’ you need to overcome to take HUGE steps forward in creating amazing relationships with women that you haven’t created yourself.

You create EVERY problem you face with women. Every single one.

This is both the most painful and powerful concept to understand.

If you’ve created every problem, it means you’re at fault. It means you have to accept responsibility for your life and everything that’s been preventing you from creating the life you want.

You have to accept responsibility for the pain, suffering, anguish and frustration. You created it. It’s your fault.

But, on the plus side, it also means that you have the power to change it.

If you think a problem is caused by something outside you, then the best you can ever hope to achieve is to learn to manage it.

All you can hope to do is learn a few tricks to deal with it when it pops up.

If you acknowledge that you create the problem then you can remove the core of that problem forever so that you never have to bother dealing with it.

If you think that bitchy women are a problem then all you can ever hope to do is come up with a few tricks to try and deal with it when it happens.

If you acknowledge that you create the issue with bitchy women (in that you’re the one who’s still talking to them rather than walking away and finding people you actually want to talk to), then you can remove the core of the issue so that you don’t have to deal with bitchy women.

If you acknowledge that you’re stopping yourself from approaching then you can find a new way to deal with your fear so you can approach.

You can only solve problems you create.

So, the important question:

Now that you’re aware that you’ve created these problems, how do you deal with them?

Well, I’ve actually got some more good news for you.

There aren’t 8 problems to solve.

There aren’t even 3.

There’s only one problem that you have to solve to eradicate all these issues for once and all.

All these issues come from the same place. There’s one mechanism that drives them all. That is:

You’re dependent on the outside world to feel good.

You make her response, someone’s opinion, that other persons reaction the source of how good you feel about yourself.

This is the core issue in every problem you face with women.

If you didn’t do this, fear wouldn’t’ hold you back, negative responses wouldn’t cripple you, other peoples opinions would be irrelevant.

If you weren’t dependent on things around you to feel the way you want to feel then you wouldn’t care if you ran out of things to say, you wouldn’t look to other people for permission to live your life on your terms, and you wouldn’t stand on the side lines waiting for an invitation to take control of your life whilst opportunity after opportunity passed you by.

You would be in the drivers seat. You would be in control. You would be taking charge and creating the life you want in every moment.

Life would be fulfilling, rewarding and ultimately satisfying.

If being able to step up to the plate, take control, and live your life on your terms, if experiencing the freedom to talk to anyone, any where, regardless of the situation, sounds like the kind of life you want…

…then you have a chance to take a MASSIVE step towards that life.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:24 pm 
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GoldenBoy wrote:
When you think about it, not being this is the core issue that holds us back from achieving any endeavor in life, big or small.

"Simply put, you being in her life is a BLESSING. Her wronging you in any way is her own self-inflicted CURSE, and if she does wrong you, then let the punishment fit the crime. Her life will absolutely SUCK without you."

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:57 am 
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This article inserts truth in with false statements, you can pick them out.

It mentions that we as men are the solely at fault and that there is no outside influence.

And then says later down a truth we all know "be self-relient". We know we should be self-relient so we swallow the bullshit about no outside influence without objection

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:48 pm 
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Beta Male 2.0 – The PUA
Welcome, and thank you for purchasing the latest offering from Beta Male Enterprises.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably been through, or are currently going through one of our previous fantastic titles – Beta Male 1.0 – The WBAFC, Beta Male 1.1 – The RAFC, and Beta Male 1.2 – The AFC…

…and are ready to take the next step.

Well, get ready for a wild ride!

Due to the huge success of our Beta Male 1 series we’ve decided to take our product range to the next level.

With literally MILLIONS of unsatisfied customers demanding a new set of rules and structures to repress their true desires with, we’ve been forced to release this way ahead of schedule!

Way before we’ve been able to see all the inconsistencies and contradictions inherent in our system.

If you’re one of those guys who’s spent years and years of his life living an unfulfilling and shallow existence…

…and are looking for a new system to sink his hard earned time and money into to get the same level of dissatisfaction and unfilfullment (albeit with a few more women in his life) then don’t despair.

The much anticipated Beta Male 2.0 – The PUA is finally here!

As you would know from the Beta Male 1 series, the core element to be a successful Beta Male is living your life by someone else’s rules and standards.

This is because it allows you to never have to focus on what you really want, follow through with your core desires, and ever experience the long term happiness and fulfilment that comes with doing the things you actually want to do.

Through our previous range, we’ve been able to help you experience frustration, disappointment, sadness, and even anger, and with our latest offering, you’re going to be able to get that all over again!

Here at Beta Male Enterprises, we have developed a highly effective system of repression that will allow you to never follow your own desires and live your life by a complex set of rules so you can eliminate all possibility of ever experiencing long term fulfilment or happiness.

And this is only going to take you a few long years of study!

In the Beta Male 1 series we gave you a very powerful set of rules. These included the classics:
- Be nice to her
- Buy her flowers
- Listen politely whilst she tells you all her problems
- Take her to expensive restaurants

With the new Beta Male 2.0 – The PUA, we completely flipped the script.

We’ve taken all the rules that you spent years and years learning and we’ve turned them upside down.

All those years spent listening to your mum and your mates in the playground are totally out the window.

It’s time to take it to a whole new reality!

This system has been developed in conjunction with many incredible people.

We’ve taken the techniques they’ve used gain amazing success with women, copied exactly what they do, and we’re going to try and force you to do it, regardless if it makes you happy or not.

In order to develop this system, we’ve simply had to ignore the fact that the way you act is a product of deeply ingrained perceptions you have about the world…

We’ve ignored the fact that there are women out there who like different things…

We’ve ignored the fact that you have your own intrinsic desires that you’re only able to fulfil and experience the long term happiness that come with that when you actually pursue them…

And we’ve decided to just get you to pretend like you’re the kind of guy who women like to be around and hope that magically, somehow, by pretending enough, you’ll change so that this new set of rules we’ve given you are somehow intrinsically fulfilling.


This instructional manual comes with many different styles, but they all contain one key ingredient: change who you are so that she likes you more.

This brand new system is based off very simple logic -

If women haven’t been attracted to the guy you’ve been pretending to be through our Beta Male 1 series – that guy who follows societies rules, doesn’t step outside the mould, and who is hiding behind the rules his mum told him – just pretend to be a different person, follow a different set of rules, step into a different mould and hide your true self behind another set of structures!

Ignore the fact that you’ve never really been yourself long enough for women to get to know you, let alone feel attracted to you…

Ignore the fact that women desire Men who are strong enough to stand on their own two feet, do what they know to be right, and not succumb to someone else’s ideals…

And just follow a different set of rules about how you should act around her.

How do you do this? Easy!

- Talk to her about the things that we at Beta Male Enterprises love because we’re obviously the same person and will talk about these things with the same level of passion and excitement.

- Only go after women who would rate as attractive on someone else’s scale of looks rather than the women who draw you in with their magnetic personalities. If she’s not hot according to Maxim, then she’s not worth it.

- Only go after women that have jobs that you can use to impress your mates with – like strippers or actresses. Because as long as your mates are impressed, you’re going to be happy with her.

- Go for quantity of interactions rather than quality. Your friends will find it far more impressive when you get lots of phone numbers (despite that most of them turn out to be flakes) rather than hearing about that one special girl you met and spent the whole night getting to know on a real level.

- Have more fun than anyone else. We provide you with a strict set of guidelines that allow you to do so.

- Make fun of anyone who doesn’t know the things that you do by calling them ‘chodes’ or ‘afc’s’. This will allow you to achieve that feeling superior and power that you’ve been desperately seeking and hide from the nagging feelings of inadequacy that you experience.

- Lie about or exaggerate the things you do so that she can like you for the shallow, superficial aspects of your life rather than who you are.

If you follow these complex structures that we provide you with, you’ll be able to continue the trend of hiding who you are, long into your retirement years.

You’ll guarantee that the women you bring into your life don’t actually like you for who you are and sleep with you because of the things you’ve copied from our system so that if you do accidently stop pretending and slip into the kind of guy who fulfils his own desire, rather than the desires we’ve prescribed in our manual…

…they’ll leave you and find someone else.

With our intricate system, you’re guaranteeing that you’re going to fill your life with shallow, insecure, needy women who only like you for the surface level actions you take, instead of the powerful Masculine Man you have locked inside you.

And it’s only going to cost you a few long years of your life!

As we haven’t really bothered to logically analyse what we’re doing and assess all the inconsistencies, we’re still trying to iron out a few kinks in the system.

These include:

- You need to change who you are so that she likes you more and yet still remain detached from the outcome. We’re not sure how it’s possible to spend so much of your time changing who you are, just so that she’ll want to spend more time with you and yet not care whether she spends more time with you.

- The way to get maximum success with women is to be totally present with them and totally in the moment, yet you need to follow this complex set of structures in order to get her. We’re not sure how you can follow structures that are inside your head yet remain outside your head.

- For every rule we can give you, there are guys out there who break it and guys out there who completely contradict it and get the results with women you’re looking for. But you must follow our rules otherwise you wont get the success you want.

But, we’re sure that we can surround this product with enough hype, and scientific sounding jargon that you wont notice these inconsistencies anyway.

So it’s time to get started – put your life on hold, cut off all your chode friends, throw out your entire wardrobe, and get started on the least fulfilling journey you’ll ever undertake!

Good luck, you’re going to need it!


PS. On a serious note, I’m not trying to discourage you from the PUA journey.

I’ve said a lot of things in here that point out all the inconsistencies and issues I’ve found through my journey in the community but, they’re just what I’ve found.

I can tell you these things, but until you’ve actually experienced them, they’re not going to mean anything to you.

If you feel as though you need to become a PUA and that’s gong to make you happy and fulfilled in your life, the definitely go ahead with it.

In fact, don’t just go ahead with it, commit to it fully. Don’t hold back. Make it your purpose in life.

But, if at any point in time you find that you’re not getting the happiness, fulfilment, and deep level of connection that you desire, then read through this again.

See how it feels once you’ve tried this path, and then consider having a look at this journey from another angle.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:30 pm 
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:49 am
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Brilliant! :lol:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:48 pm 
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In response to the prior exerpts:

I want to prefix this with a statement that I do not spam for DYD or Dr P. but I do agree with and endorse the following points, as congruent with Dr P's MindOS stuff...

- Past experiences aren’t the problem. The fact that you let your past experiences dictate how you live your life today is the problem.
Present Mindedness: The only way that your "Observing Ego" can be effective is if you are 'in the present'. Dwelling on the past or daydreaming about the future prevent one from being 'present'

- Your lack of confidence isn’t the problem. The fact that you’re waiting to have confidence before you do the activities that you need to do to build confidence is the problem.
"doing courage": When one is missing out on experiences which one is too timid to attempt, he is 'suffering'. MindOS quantizes things (and I should point out that this is specific to those who are still 'in the matrix'). If approaching a woman causes '5 units of fear', by making the approach (regardless of the outcome, favorable or not) one gains '5 units' of confidence. This relates to managing 'inner resources'

If you acknowledge that you’re stopping yourself from approaching then you can find a new way to deal with your fear so you can approach.Same thing... doing courage...

You’re dependent on the outside world to feel good.
This is a big one: Mature Boundary function

You would be in the drivers seat. You would be in control. You would be taking charge and creating the life you want in every moment.
Internal Locus of Control (more boundary stuff)

...and here's a confession... I didn't read this topic (in any manner of depth) for the duration of the first few quotes. It looked generic, just like the rest of the 4-page adverts one sees for any product. I didn't actually read this topic until The Kidd|| endorsed it. That was tough for me to admit given my aversion to sycophancy.

Cheers to both of you; the OP and the sponsor +grin+

Definitely a good read especially the last excerpt

I believe in gender equality using the strip club paradigm. While some men consent to throwing their money at pussy, I endorse women throwing their pussy at money. .

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 4:56 pm 
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How To WRESTLE The Dating Power Back From Women
by Leigh (LoGun) · No Comments

A very heated discussion started on the forum yesterday about women and power.

The guy who started the thread was saying that seduction / relationships are unfair because women have all the power.

I know that I felt like this for a long time so I thought I’d share the simple answer of how to wrestle back the power.

How To Get The Power Back From Women INSTANTLY!!!

I have developed a fool proof, guaranteed, one step system for INSTANTLY wrenching the power back that women have long held over our heads.

It’s controversial, complicated, but necessary if Men are ever going to rise above the bottom feeding position we’ve been handed in todays society and find the space and freedom to achieve our potential.

My unbeatable solution for getting your power back from women in dating is:

Stop giving it to them.

Yes. It’s that simple.

Women don’t intrinsically have any power. No more than a rock, or a tree, or a fish (or a Man).

Power in relationships isn’t some kind of element on the periodic table or one of Einstein’s immutable laws of nature.

The person that has the power in dating and relationships is determined SOLELY but the people in the relationship.

The Man can have the power.

The Woman can have the power.

Both can have the power.

And, funnily enough, neither can have power.

A Man will have power when he has something the woman desires.

A woman will have the power when the she has something that the Man desires.

Both will have power when they’re both independently fulfilled yet both enjoy being around the other person.

Neither will have the power when they’re both lacking something that the other has.

Power is dictated by need.

If women have the power in your relationships, then it’s because you need something from them.

The way to get the power back in your relationships is to stop needing something from them.

When you stop using women to feel strong, Manly, important, validated, accepted, cool, worthy, or anything else you could possibly use women for, then they’ll have as much power over you as the seat you’re sitting in to read this.

ADVANCED: How To Have Power Over Women

Have a guess. If you’ve read more than half a dozen articles on AI, it should be pretty obvious.

When you stop trying to get something from women, they stop having power over you.

But it doesn’t leave you with a feeling of power in your life.

You’re still lacking what you want.

Now that you’ve decided to man up and take responsibility for what you want from life rather than demanding it from others, you are on a very empowering journey.

One that could lead to feeling rewarded, fulfilled, strong, powerful, and free.

When you start to create a life that is internally satisfying and allows you to freely share your happiness with those around you, guess what happens?

You now have something that other people want.

You have the secret elixir to drawing people in and having ‘power’ over them.

This includes women.

Now, funnily enough, when you reach this place, you’re going to have absolutely no desire to have power over anyone, including women, because you’ve already got what you want.

But, the power will still be there.

In Conclusion

The way to ‘fix’ the power imbalance between Men and Women in relationships is to stop trying to use women for anything. Stop trying to get validation, acceptance, happiness, or fulfilment from women and then they stop having power over you.

Flipping the script and becoming the kind of Man who has power over women involves becoming the kind of Man who can freely give women what they want without asking anything in return.

You won’t want power over women when you reach this place but it’s a great place to achieve.

If you want to start this journey now and find the one thing that’s preventing you from naturally drawing women in, download Seduction Community Sucks from the right hand side of this page.

It’ll show you the one thing that’s preventing you from experiencing all the power you’ve ever desired as well as ‘wrestle’ it back.

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
Alvin Toffler

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:43 am 

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Morpheus wrote:
We know we should be self-relient so we swallow the bullshit about no outside influence without objection
This post, taken by itself, is kind of out of context with the rest of the site so I'll try and explain what I'm getting at here:

Yes, there is outside influences. Events happen, people do things, outcomes don't go your way, and you can't control that. But what you can control is what they mean to you and therefore, how you experience them.

Does a woman telling you to 'get lost' cause you pain? Only if you let it.

If you sense of happiness and self worth is tied up in how women respond to you, then her telling you to 'get lost' will mean that you're not worthy and therefore, you'll experience pain.

If you sense of happiness and self worth is tied up in being able to push through your barriers and expand your perceptual boundaries, then her telling you to get lost will mean that she's simply not the right person for you so you wont experience pain (you may even expereince a greater sense of freedom).

If your sense of happiness and self worth are tied up in being able to help people move closer to the life they want, then her telling you to 'Get lost' might mean that you've helped her and it might mean that you haven't. Hard to say.

If your sense of happiness and self worth are tied up in how you live your life, regardless of how people respond to you, and because you already feel strong and independent and are looking for excitement and tension now, then her telling you to 'Get lost' would mean you've found a chance to experience that tension. So depending on the sub communication of her response, you might actually feel good.

Yes, things happen to you and outcomes will fall the way they want to fall but that doesn't determine your experience of life. YOU determine your experience of life by the way you live your life and how that leads you to create meaning.

In my humble opinion...

Leigh Louey-Gung

Helping boys become Men since 2007.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:58 am 
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Makes sense, I remember those two point seeming conflicting at the time.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:58 pm 

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Good point.

One thing I'll throw out there is that some guys get caught in the "no pain" trap.. ie I should never feel pain or I'm only feeling it because I let it happen.. I need to change my beliefs, etc.

A lot of wasted effort goes into trying to become invulnerable and invincible. It is a natural human reaction to feel a little "something" when there is a sense of what one might call rejection, something not going your way, getting turned down for the job, etc -- but if you just feel into it completely and let yourself feel it, it is very transient. You can be indifferent to the pain -- it is inevitable but suffering is absolutely optional. It can become meaningless, and for me that is actually a more powerful state than trying to make non-existent because then one often feels like something is wrong with them or "they aren't there yet" if they feel any so called negative responses. They are natural, they pass, and can pass incredibly quickly if you just feel it fully and move on immediately, to the point that they are no longer are a deterring factor.

In other words if you feel it, feel it, and then it passes. Guys get obsessed with reframing it etc which just holds on to it. It's just a little needle prick or bug bite in the woods, just keep walking.

BTW i'm not saying this in a challenging tone to what you wrote, just speaking to what I see is a very common interpretation people take from it that can slow them down.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:58 am 

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In my expereince, the issue guys have isn't that they feel pain, it's how they understand it and how they respond to it.

When I feel pain, it tells me that there is something very important in the situaion I'm currently in. This is something that I care A LOT about and I need to deal with this shit.

If I feel pain when I'm rejected, then I know that connection is incredibly important to me at that point in time.

If I feel pain when things don't go my way, then I know that being able to consciously create the world I want is very important to me at that point in time.

Pain is the window to my soul. No other tool can more effectively spotlight my true desires.

So many guys come to me saying 'I don't know what I really want' and yet they're afraid to experience pain. No wonder really...

I wish guys would spend MORE time feeling pain. Maybe then, guys would have a deeper and more powerful understanding of who they are and what they stand for.

The wonderful thing about pain is that it's also an INCREDIBLE motivator as well. What a great tool! It shows you what is really important and gives you the drive to make changes.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I think I need to turn this one into a more coherent article. Kind of all over the shop here.

Leigh Louey-Gung

Helping boys become Men since 2007.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:48 pm 

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LeighLG wrote:
In my expereince, the issue guys have isn't that they feel pain, it's how they understand it and how they respond to it.

When I feel pain, it tells me that there is something very important in the situaion I'm currently in. This is something that I care A LOT about and I need to deal with this shit.

If I feel pain when I'm rejected, then I know that connection is incredibly important to me at that point in time.

If I feel pain when things don't go my way, then I know that being able to consciously create the world I want is very important to me at that point in time.

Pain is the window to my soul. No other tool can more effectively spotlight my true desires.

So many guys come to me saying 'I don't know what I really want' and yet they're afraid to experience pain. No wonder really...

I wish guys would spend MORE time feeling pain. Maybe then, guys would have a deeper and more powerful understanding of who they are and what they stand for.

The wonderful thing about pain is that it's also an INCREDIBLE motivator as well. What a great tool! It shows you what is really important and gives you the drive to make changes.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I think I need to turn this one into a more coherent article. Kind of all over the shop here.
Nice. It's no coincidence that boy to man initiation rituals, when we still had them (some cultures do of course) were incredibly arduous and full of pain.


PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:22 pm 
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Flow83 wrote:
Nice. It's no coincidence that boy to man initiation rituals, when we still had them (some cultures do of course) were incredibly arduous and full of pain.

It is also no coincidence that they no longer exist in western society. Or that society in general seems to be against them.

A lot of good could be done by reintroducing them in my view.
Also the gathering of men, older with younger, to pass on wisdom, to just spend time together. There is so much to be gained by that.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:23 am 
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They still exist within the military.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:40 am 
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Morpheus wrote:
They still exist within the military.
This is why I recommend the military for 'soft' lads...I know it toughened me the fuck UP! :ugeek:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:47 am 

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You can't even let a boy be teased without facing a lawsuit these days.. g

Good point about the military. Not that I know from personal experience -- but a bit ironic if you think about it, if we want you to become the type of man who is willing to die for what he believes in (ie, a real man) we will put you through things that are forbidden to even *approach* putting young men through in any other circumstance.

I guess we must adapt with the times and at the very least men interested in this stuff seem to be organizing and finding ways to share. Real inner work, which is not sexy and doesn't sell, if the journey is genuine will take you through hell and out the other side reborn.

You won't find as many guys on these types of forums yet compared to "7 simple techniques to get ANY woman INSTANTLY attracted anywhere" but hey the fact that they exist is a good sign :)

Speaking of men coming together / sharing stuff, here is a vid GP made ironically last week that talks about male initiations and stuff.. it's not publicly listed but guys on this forum might dig it. ... oFoeDGl_Qk


PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:13 am 
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There's always outlets. MMA for example.

There was a TV series on Discovery called making the cut all about US miltary elite schools and filming a class going through the training. Theres a Sniper one where they literally take 3 hours to crawl in a gillie suit to make a shot.
Or do a 24 hour training session all out. No sleep. Or swim lengths of the pool, with arms and legs tied.

Crazy stuff

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

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