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 Post subject: Leading by Example
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:34 pm 
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The following are true stories from my past that I had posted in that "other" forum...I think they will be of more use here. Please feel free to discuss anything in the Question and Feedback section! :mrgreen:

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

 Post subject: Original Intro
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:38 pm 
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Since some of you all enjoy my tales of seduction and successes, I just thought I'd start going through various conquests here, rather than take up all the space in threads. I talk about what happened, how it happened, and what I noticed while it was happening. I will start by archiving stories I have already told that may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Then, I will add new tales to the mix...I'm 37 now, and have slowed down quite a bit. I hope that by recounting these tales, you youngbloods might could save some time. I wish I had a resource like this coming up, then again, I probably wouldn't change a thing.

Stay tuned!

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

Last edited by The Kidd!! on Mon May 24, 2010 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Slow Burna
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:40 pm 
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Once when I was in Community College, I was heading to the bus stop and I saw this really cute Mexican/White chick, and my brain said, "You're gonna have sex with her." I almost laughed out loud to myself. Didn't know her from a can of paint, AND had a girlfriend at the time. So, I sit down next to her and say nothing. She ends up asking me what time it was and chatted me up from there. This is when I was still clueless about women really.

So some months passed. I'd see her maybe once a week coming from from school. Found out she lived like a mile from me. Once my girlfriend rode home with me, and she sat right across from us as we cuddled. We NEVER got flirty or anything whenever we did talk.

So, one day we are almost to her stop, and she asks what am I doing to today. I says, "I" She says, "I'm gonna have me a bowl of Frosted Flakes with strawberry milk." All I had to say was, "I haven't had that in awhile." She says, "Come over and have some."

So I go. There we are, watching TV and eating cereal. Out of the blue, she turns to me and says,

"I got a question...what would you do if you really liked someone but didn't know how to tell them or let them know, and were worried that they might not like you back?"

So I basically tell her to just go for it, because you never know until you try and the worst that can happen is they say no thank you.

So I finish my speech and I'm just looking at her, nodding to make my point. As I am scoping up some more cereal, she just grabbed my face and starts tongue kissing the SHIT out of me. Next thing I know, I'm putting on a condom wondering what the HELL is going on.

The lessons I took away from this episode were:

1) If a woman is attracted to you and wants you carnally, it doesn't matter if you're NOT her boyfriend or if you already have a girlfriend. So, when you know that a woman is feeling you this way, but she tries to throw any of that in your face, it's just a power play. Wax on/wax off that shit and FINISH HER!!

2) You don't have to do all the work when seducing...sometimes you just have to put yourself in the right place, at the right time, with the right things to say.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

Last edited by The Kidd!! on Mon May 24, 2010 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:41 pm 
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I was friends with this girl once, and going off of her subconscious signs I was picking up, I told her that I knew she was sexually attracted to me. She denied it vehemently, and got so flustered and upset that I didn't hear from her for the rest of the year...and this was in like March.

At first, I doubted myself and reflected on where I might have gone wrong with my interpretation of what I felt she was giving me. But everything checked out in my head. So, I let it ride and went on with my life.

So time passes, and I went out to the club for New Year's, and guess who I bump into? Yes, ol' girl. I didn't even see her...I just felt this tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and she just kissed the HELL out of me...and it wasn't nowhere NEAR midnight. I'll never forget what happened next. She says:

"You were right."

"Right about what?"

"I am sexually attracted to you."

"When did you figure that out?"

"About a month ago."


"I had a dream about you..."

...and there it is. I firmly believe that dreams are the brain's way of allowing the subconscious to communicate with the conscious. In her case, it took her to have a wet dream about me to realize that what I said some 9 months earlier was valid.

Lessons learned and/or reinforced?

1) I learned that you can't consciously move on a woman's subconscious, because they are not yet aware. Once she had the dream, which made her consciously aware of this attraction I had already sensed, THEN she was aware as well.

2) Some guys say that some women are throwing signs to throw us off. Must be a woman who said this. If you are correctly reading subconscious signs, then there is no way you can be wrong because they are SUBCONSCIOUS....meaning that she isn't even aware that she is throwing them.

3) If the woman doesn't react according to your read, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. There are a lot of factors to consider. Some one close to her could have just died or is very sick and she is just not in the mood. She is in, just got out of, or has just started a relationship. SHE IS NOT EVEN AWARE THAT SHE IS ATTRACTED TO YOU. (side note: I have a theory on this as well...if anyone wants to hear it, let me know.)

Bottom Line: I was right. It took the better part of a year for me to give her what I knew she wanted 9 months earlier, but I didn't waste my time trying to beat her subconscious into her conscious nor did I sit on my hands waiting for her to come around...there where plenty of other women who were FULLY aware that they wanted me in the interim.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

 Post subject: Getting My Cradle Robbed
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:42 pm 
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I was in community college in Drama class. After our 1st performance, this very pretty, tall, and shapely light skinned black woman was just gushing about how I did. I was like 18 at the time...still wet behind the ears. I was shy and still coming to terms with women in general...I was no virgin, mind you...but still, everything I know now weren't even hypothesis' yet.

So, as the semester wore on, she would make it a point to talk with me any chance she got. She told me almost immediately that she was married, which honestly kind of relieved me, because I felt like the pressure was off cause she wasn't expecting anything from me and I could really just be myself and relax. This was when I still had a lot of respect for marriages. Little did I know....

So the group assignment shows up. She rushes over to me and basically makes me her partner. So, she picks the play/act were are gonna do...why was there a kissing scene in it? I read it over, and the kiss read very innocent big deal, so I'm like ok, whatevs.

So, next week or so was practice, and each of us groups of 2 went to private rooms to practice. I remember when I walked in the room and saw her in there, in a short skirt and a low cut shirt, popping an brain was like, "Oh SNAP!", but I just shrugged it off. So we practice, and the kissing part was about in the middle.

So we get there, and I go for the kiss as I read it....closed mouthed and hesitant. This lady just grabbed my head and starts tongue kissing the FUCK out of me, like she is trying to suck out my soul. I was in shock. So I stopped her and said, "I don't think the kiss is supposed to be like this."

She says, "Well, we'll do it your way for the grade...this is how I want to practice it." She loved to practice that kiss, lemme tell you.

So now I'm thinking of husbands and shotguns and stuff. Now, we never met up outside of class...didn't have to. So, the night before the graded performance, she calls me (we exchanged numbers but hadn't used them until then) to tell me that she wants to meet up with me that night for a last minute talk-through. My brain is trying to tell me something, but I really don't understand it yet...but I did feel funny about this.

So I agree to meet her down the street from my house at a park. It's like 930 pm and she pulls up in this late model station wagon. She parks. I get in the car. She is in a bathrobe and house slippers. Looking back, this must have been REAL impulsive for her and that she had been fantasizing about this moment for weeks.

She says, "Ummmm, I came all the way up here to give you something." (she lived quite a ways away.)

I say, "Ok. What is it?"

She looks me dead in my face and says the magic words:

"I want to give you head."

My brain is just blown. Instantly, it's like Jesus and The Devil appear on my shoulders:

Jesus: "She is married!"

Devil: "It's only a sin if you have sex! She just wants to suck your dick! You haven't had your dick sucked yet EVAR!!!1!"

So, the Devil won and I kind of nodded. Wasting no time, she leaned over, undid my jeans, and helped herself to a mouthful of Buddy Lee.

I remember sitting there, watching the cars approach and pass, wondering if the tint was dark enough where they didn't see me just sitting there with that "I'm getting my dick sucked" look on my face while the driver seat was "empty". She took it like a champ a mess at all, and no evidence either.

The next day, we did our show, and the kiss was tamed down for public consumption. She propositioned me for the rest of the semester to go all the way, but I was just too damn nervous about her husband to follow through. Man, I sure wish I did....*sighs*

Lessons learned and/or reinforced?

1) I learned, inadvertently, that playing hard to get whips women into a FRENZY. I actually wasn't playing back then...I really was uncomfortable with the idea that she was married. However, looking back, I still did everything correctly to get the desired result...a woman to obsess over YOU...not the other way around. Like I've said...I was a natural before I even knew I was a natural.

2) Guys who are 18-25 should deal with older women (28-40) more often, if they are not looking to get married. Older women are much more sexually secure and in tune with themselves, plus they are so damn horny that they won't bullshit you too long, if at all. They are in their sexual peak, and so are younger guys. Plus, they will often be very aggressive, and spoil you a bit as well, as they have and usually younger guys have not.

3) Do NOT sit in the front seat of a car to receive head where there is oncoming traffic. Talk about a deer caught in headlights....

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

 Post subject: 2nd Week at College...
PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:43 pm 
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Back when I touched down at UNLV in '98, I was fresh out of the military, and ready to play!

1st week was awesome...all the girlies were out in there summer clothes and the union was PACKED! I had already determined that I had caught some of their eyes, being new and different. I went to some parties that weekend too and had fun mingling with everyone.

So, that next monday at lunchtime I'm sitting in the union, chillin', waiting for class to start. This tall thicky chicky (read: NOT FAT, but CURRRRRVEEE!) comes cruising up to me and asks me how I'm doing...fine, I reply. Then it starts!

Girl: *smirking* "I know what you were up to this weekend..."

Kidd!!: *smirking back* "Oh yeah? Well, I know that you are sexually attracted to me."

She looks like a dog just shit on her carpet right in front of her. She storms off, stops, then comes right back, and attempts to chastise me.

G: "How dare you! Why would you say that? HOW could you say that! What makes you even THINK something like that!?!"

I maintained my composure, because, little does she know it, but she has fallen right into my trap.

K: "Well, if you are so offended, why did you come back? Why are you still talking to me? Why didn't you just keep on walking and never speak to me again? Look, relax. There is no one here right now but me and you. I know you like what you see, and I like what I see...and I know there are things you want me to do to you...and I wanna do 'em. So, here's my number. When you get over the shock of all this, give me a call."

The look on her face was just priceless. I had called her bluff so wholly and completely all she could do was surrender.

She came to my house that Friday.

Lessons learned and/or reinforced?

1) I learned that if your read is solid, then you can be fearless when a woman tries to make you doubt herself because she feels she is losing control of the situation. But that's the rub...they WANT control to be stripped from them...they do NOT want to just give it up. It is a very powerful thing.

2) The technique I used...I refer to it as "Front Blasting". Some guys try to do this, but it's hard when you're using a BB gun. Me? You ever play Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? You know that big ass Proton Cannon Iron Man/War Machine pulls out for their special? That nice, big, shiny hunk o' chrome? That's what I use....and I get my 50+ hit, "Marvelous!" combo out of it everytime I decide it's time to pull it out.

3) By reading correctly and Front Blasting, you can skip all of that going out to eat and movie crap if you want to...and get riiiiiight to the good part.

EVERYTHING in life is conditional...EVERYTHING. :ugeek:

Pimposophy Revisited is now finally available on Amazon in all territories!

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