Natural Freedom

into EFT? don't want to pay a fortune to learn it?check this
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Author:  Sniper [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  into EFT? don't want to pay a fortune to learn it?check this

out while the offer is still there: ... op=legster

(you can get the whole system starting from 3$)

Author:  Benjamin [ Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: into EFT? don't want to pay a fortune to learn it?check

It's a very nice deal but I tried Bran Yates products in the past and wasn't very impressed. His way of tapping is great but in his programs he taps on a few issues and that's it, I think the best way to do it is to do it daily after asking yourself questions that provoke limiting beliefs to tap, rather than tap on a general text or someone else's questions, because it doesn't really bring up the emotion.

Sniper, most teachers do EFT in a very different way so you can't take one of them and say "learn EFT from him", because what Brad Yates is doing while tapping is very different from the original EFT, or Carol Look's EFT, or Rishan (I like his version the best and recommend it, he explains it great and I am using it daily with great results). This is because the creator of EFT, Gary Craig, allowed everyone to use it and teach it in order to spread it out. So I recommend you experiment a bit and find the teacher that his work you like the best.

Again, I recommend Rishan. The guy from "manifest anything"... I believe he's the real deal. He has the program called "procrastination cure" which works on actions you have problems doing because you don't want to, you're afraid, lazy or whatever. He has a site with 3 free videos where he explains it all and gives away lots of information, and then you can order the full program (money back guarantee) for less than 50 dollars, and you see results in less than a week if you do it daily. He works there with his version of EFT and explains it really well, I really recommend it! It helped me with my great results this month in my business. ... ion-works/

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