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 Post subject: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:08 am 
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I recently saw a Roosh tweet that resonated with me where he described the modern man's journey and the different levels that are contained within it. It begins with the blue pill in which you live in ignorance and denial of nature, eventually some move onto the red pill and seek the truth through materialism, eventually you begin to realize the futility of all of it and withdraw from material society in what is known as the black pill. If you continue to seek the truth eventually you will come across the "God pill".

Watching his journey has been interesting because I have also come to same realization.

I grew up around feminism, and became fatherless early on in high school. I set out to find answers and quickly discovered feminism was to blame for my immediate problems. After entirely too long wandering around pua I discovered this forum when I was 18. I was lucky enough to be taught by The Kidd!!, peregrinus and many others despite my large ego that took a lot of work to get under control ;) . I'm very grateful for all the advice I got from everyone over the years and the discussions.

I always felt like there was a deeper level of meaning that I was missing. Why does feminism exist? Some will point out that it's part of Marxism which is a larger problem, and this is true but society has been subverted to such a level that nearly everything has been inverted. Wrong is right, right is wrong, up is down. One of the reasons I think fathers are so vilified in society is because without a Dad it's difficult to accept God.

Seeing all the chaos unfolding in the world has given me an appreciation for the existence of evil I didn't have before. I'm also far from perfect, as Solzhenitsyn puts it" the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” If evil is real then good must also be real.

Another thing that's very interesting that I discovered on my journey through the political rabbit hole was the "Intellectual Dark Web". If you notice none of them are Christian, and many Christians that are outspoken and uncompromising are banned from social media. They don't have the truth they're gate keepers to the truth. Jordan Peterson is not a good man, he's very dishonest.

The evidence for evolution is also falling apart because they cherry picked the data to make their models for genetic work (I can link the article if anyone is interested) and if you look through the Bible it doesn't actually tell you the age of the earth anywhere.

Also of interest is how well preserved the accuracy of it is, it describes human nature perfectly, and answers a lot of questions I had. You would think that someone would have just rewritten the Bible and taken out any truth that was in it. Historically, it has been used to control people, but just because someone misused the way doesn't mean it's not the way.

Anyways, so a funny story. I have two brothers, and I was wandering around downtown wondering which church I should go to. One of my brothers came in a dropped a pamphlet to a church on the desk and said some guy just pressed this into my hand. I didn't really draw any attention to it because I thought he would make fun of me. A couple of months later I was telling him about and he said I actually walked down that street two days in a row and the same guy gave me a pamphlet each time but I didn't say anything because I thought you would make fun of me. My youngest brother is already Christian.

Anyways, it's well worth doing some research for yourself. I have trouble taking things just on faith and did a lot of looking into it before deciding Jesus Christ and the Bible is the truth (specifically the KJV). Feel free to pm me if your curious about anything.

I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. Everyone is responsible for their own soul, we all have free will to exercise how we want to. I just wanted to share where I am at, because I know what it's like to still be looking for answers.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:23 pm 

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I don't KJV, HalleluYah Scriptures is quite good.

Apistevist, Theist, Atheist, Creationist, Evolutionist... it's quite ok by me.
I don't seem to care who or what I am.

"I don't know nothing!" ---M.Brando (yes, w/ 2 x negation)


 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:10 pm 
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Interesting I don't know anything about the HalleluYah translations, but it looks like it's an OT translation. For the NT the King James Version should be the best unless you wanted to learn the original languages everything was written in.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:14 pm 

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The problem with Jesus is that he only preached for 2-3 years, and wrote very little, if at all, himself. Everyhing was written down after him (as far as I know).

Have you heard of the Dead Sea Scolls? They are said to be unaltered and preaches a very different message than the Bible. One thing I do not understand, you know that the Bible is alterted.. Then how do you plan to find out what is truth and what is not?

One thing I find very sad though, I have to be honest. A black man believing a book that preaches slavery and turning the other cheek :?


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:19 pm 

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Posts: 413
^^ But having said that, congrats on the insights. The Establishment has been (trying) to hide God troughout the milliennia - changing practices and scriptures is part of the process - making religion a new, fake Zion. A Godless people is easier to control.


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:30 pm 

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Jared wrote: *
I don't seem to care who or what I am.

"I don't know nothing!" ---M.Brando (yes, w/ 2 x negation)
That's great my friend :D

Step 1 - Nihilism [COMPLETED]

Step 2 - Humility & accepting our lack of Wisdom [COMPLETED]

Step 3 - Surrender [...]


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 6:28 pm 
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The problem with Jesus is that he only preached for 2-3 years, and wrote very little, if at all, himself. Everyhing was written down after him (as far as I know).

You're correct he wrote nothing down himself, however, the earliest writings came about in 70 AD. That and the sheer number of manuscripts that all say the same thing is orders of magnitude better than the historical evidence for many other people in history like Socrates etc.

Have you heard of the Dead Sea Scolls? They are said to be unaltered and preaches a very different message than the Bible

I don't know a ton about the Dead Sea Scrolls, but there shouldn't be any contradictions in them. They're the oldest known copies for a lot of the books. They're also pretty interesting, so for example Isaiah was one of the prophets of the Old Testament that lived in approx 700 BC, the book of Isaiah was one of the books that was found in the 1940s and the scroll that contains a copy of the book of Isaiah is written in 100 BC at the latest.

So, therefore Isaiah wouldn't have had knowledge of Jesus but the book of Isaiah says

53 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Another interesting one is Psalm 22:18 which says

"They divide my garments among them
And for my clothing they cast lots"

Which happens in Matthew 27:32

One thing I do not understand, you know that the Bible is alterted.. Then how do you plan to find out what is truth and what is not?

I think I understand your question. It's something that bothered me for a long time as well. if the world is corrupt and people use religion and tradition to control people then how can I trust a book that has passed through their hands.

I thought it was silly when Christians would say you just have to trust it, it's God's Word he wouldn't allow it to be altered...but there's who knows how many different translations which one is the right one. But then you have to ask yourself how could you be held accountable for not finding the truth if it was lost and unable to be found?

The reformation was actually over stuff like this Martin Luther realized that the true message of the gospel had been lost because the Catholic Church had hidden it from the people. He had it translated it English.

The Bible contains many things that do not speak well of what goes on in the world and how the worldly churches have fallen away from the truth. We're also given a way to know what the truth is for ourselves and recognize who is being tricky. In the book of Matthew Jesus says

"16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them

One thing I find very sad though, I have to be honest. A black man believing a book that preaches slavery and turning the other cheek

Slavery has been an abhorrent practice throughout all of human history, it was Christians who were involved in it the least, and were the ones responsible for ending. Slavery still occurs today but it's not in any of the Christian countries.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:40 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
Altair wrote: *
it was Christians who were involved in it the least
False. The Khalsa, not only did they not indulge in slavery, they actively went in and freed them.

I'd say that the Buddhists and even the Hindus has much, much better track record than the Christians.
Altair wrote: *

Slavery still occurs today but it's not in any of the Christian countries.

Libya 2011.
Attacked by Christian countries --> Now Slaves are openly being traded there
Christian countries are getting cheap Libian oil

Furtermore, if we define slavery as forcefully taking a part of the fruits of someones' labour..
Oh yes, slavery still exists in Christian countries... it has just taken on a different form. In fact, slavery is the most prevelant in the Christian countries!

Altair wrote: *
and were the ones responsible for ending

I think the growing black anger and backlash had a thing or two to do with it :|


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:06 pm 

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Altair wrote: *
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Altair wrote: *
Slavery has been an abhorrent practice throughout all of human history, it was Christians who were involved in it the least.
(Exactly, that is my point)

Re-read the two quotes above. Meditate and then read again. Repeat until you can see the conclusion.
Altair wrote: *
I think I understand your question. It's something that bothered me for a long time as well. if the world is corrupt and people use religion and tradition to control people then how can I trust a book that has passed through their hands.
Hhmmm.. I thought it was common knowlegde that the Bible is corrupted... the changes can be traced back to the Constellation of Rome. So the Wisdom (the Truth as you call it) in the Bible is corrupted and you plan to use a test from that corrupted text to test that very Wisdom? :|


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:07 pm 
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False. The Khalsa, not only did they not indulge in slavery, they actively went in and freed them.

I'd say that the Buddhists and even the Hindus has much, much better track record than the Christians.
I don't know anything about the Khalsa, but the Hindu's committed Sati which was abolished by the British.
Libya 2011.
Attacked by Christian countries --> Now Slaves are openly being traded there
Christian countries are getting cheap Libian oil

Furtermore, if we define slavery as forcefully taking a part of the fruits of someones' labour..
Oh yes, slavery still exists in Christian countries... it has just taken on a different form. In fact, slavery is the most prevelant in the Christian countries!
Libya is the gateway for the migrants to Europe, it was carried out by Hillary who is evil. What's happening there is horrendous, but you believe that Christianity is responsible for that? Are Christians over there owning slaves?

I would agree with you if you're referring to tax, however, one of the commandments "is thou shalt not steal" and the Romans says "the wages of sin are death". No one is entitled to the fruits of another person's labor, it will cause the collapse of society.

I think the growing black anger and backlash had a thing or two to do with it :|
Where did those slave ships get their slaves from? They were merchants they didn't go inland and get them. People were captured in their own towns by their countrymen a lot of the time and sold.

Who owned slaves? It wasn't the average person. In America it was the top 1% (that sounds familiar to today) and average Americans were forced to patrol the road for escaping slaves if they refused they could be subjected to increasing fines.

Stefan Molyneux has a good presentation on it (40 minutes)

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 9:19 pm 
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(Exactly, that is my point)

Re-read the two quotes above. Meditate and then read again. Repeat until you can see the conclusion
That's a good point I don't actually have an answer for you. If you're interested I know someone I can ask and get back to you.
Hhmmm.. I thought it was common knowlegde that the Bible is corrupted... the changes can be traced back to the Constellation of Rome. So the Wisdom (the Truth as you call it) in the Bible is corrupted and you plan to use a test from that corrupted text to test that very Wisdom?
I'm not sure what you mean by Constellation of Rome. Maybe, I'm just dumb :lol:
I haven't been an atheist for a long time, so the question for me is not does the spiritual world exist. But do the scriptures accurately describe what I see in the world, and the answer is yes.

It teaches that man is fallen, and we are unable to rectify the situation on our own. When I look around the world that's what I see. "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:03 pm 

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Altair wrote: *
I don't know anything about the Khalsa, but the Hindu's committed Sati which was abolished by the British.
That's why I said *even*. Hinduism itself is corrupted, and has been so for quite some time (it is the worlds oldest religion, so you could immagine).

Regarding the British.. they were also responsible for 50-60 millions deaths. They looted and plundered (before the British, India had 27 % of the World GDP, and only 2 % when the British left) and created alot of tentions between different groups (divide & conquer), most of which are still prelevant today (the British left their colonies only 60-70 years ago).

I suggest you check out what the British has been doing lately as well (f. ex in Iran):

Video: What the Media Won't Tell You About Iran | reallygraceful (length: 12 min)

Altair wrote: *
What's happening there is horrendous, but you believe that Christianity is responsible for that? Are Christians over there owning slaves?
You mentioned "Christian contries" and yes, I believe "Christian contries" are responsible. Their actions led to all this mess.

Altair wrote: *
Where did those slave ships get their slaves from? They were merchants they didn't go inland and get them. People were captured in their own towns by their countrymen a lot of the time and sold.
Sure. There are studies done on this. There is a reason that most states makes concuption illegal, and not necessarily the selling. Because Demand leads to Supply, and not the other way around.

If, in your great X country, there were people even remotely followed The Truth, they would NOT be paying for slaves. Their Demand (read: willingness to pay for the slaves), led to the Supply (captured by their own contrymen, as you say). The 99 %, accepted Slavery, because... [pointing to my original point]


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:27 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
Altair wrote: *
That's a good point I don't actually have an answer for you. If you're interested I know someone I can ask and get back to you.
I am affraid my cup is overflowing, ask for yourself, if anything. My answer is: it's not the full truth

Altair wrote: *
I haven't been an atheist for a long time, so the question for me is not does the spiritual world exist. But do the scriptures accurately describe what I see in the world, and the answer is yes.
And I will get of your back :P giving the very quote that our Big Bro gave to get all the others of my back/giving me an out :lol:
The Kidd!! wrote: *
...and that's all that really needs to be said. :geek:

He's chosen his path guys...respect it. There are other posts that could use more attention than this one does. Leave GK to his enlightnement.

Godspeed GK (no pun intended)...good luck on your travels. :ugeek:
Good luck Altair, sorry if I offended anyone & great to see you on this paath.. may you be blessed with the spiritual experience as well! :mrgreen:


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

Last edited by The GK2 on Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:32 pm 

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"It is like a child sliding a slide at the park
that he thought it was so tall...
then when he grew up to be an adult to see
that same slide being only 3' tall.


 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:37 pm 
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Sure, empires always collapse they're inherently unstable because by influencing an influence on a weaker culture you are also influenced by them. This is one of the reasons the Roman Empire collapsed. A certain religion also killed about that many in India as well, but you don't ever hear about that.

The way that territories in the middle east were divided up after WW1 by the British also has lead to increasing instability because they put a lot of tribes together that don't get along. Britain is also openly arresting Christian preachers currently.

God also created the nations when he confounded their languages at the tower of Babel. Which the EU believes btw because they modeled their headquarters after paintings of what the tower of Babel was thought to look like.

The point I was trying to make with Christian countries is that to the degree that they are Christian they are prosperous and nice places to live. The Bible teaches all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and that there is one that does good not one. The rise of Christianity in the European countries has taken humanity to heights it has never previously known. They're far from perfect because the people in them are far from perfect, so you're concluding that since they have done bad things which is what we're told people will do that the scriptures are wrong?

If you dig into the Pagan religions that dominate Europe prior to the influence of Christianity you would see the good it has done for the world. Also look into Moloch who was a god that the real God hated in the OT.

Besides the scriptures also go against what you would expect the church to say for their own benefit. The salvation of your soul is a free gift, it's not bought with tithes, or by doing good works. The actions you take in your live are a reflection of the inner transformation that takes place when you forsake your sin. They're the fruits of your transformation.

Let me ask you this then. Can you fix your own heart? Has all the mediation and inner work got to the deepest roots of yourself? It didn't for me.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:38 pm 
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Good luck Altair, sorry if I offended anyone & great to see you on this paath.. may you be blessed with the spiritual experience as well! :mrgreen:
Good luck to you as well sir. I wish you well :D , I hope your search leads you to the truth. 8-)

and also what kind of forum would we be if we were worried about offending each other in the search for the truth. I remember how it was when the forum got started, how much we debated about everything and people's feathers got ruffled. It was great!

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
*Sees Jared has replied*

*Reach for the Lightsaber?*

*Scanning feelings...*

*Result: Actually, nah. Feeling way to happy for Altair...*

*Let's it slide (no pun intended)* 8-)


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:23 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
Okay, then.. Let's continue :)
Altair wrote: *
A certain religion also killed about that many in India as well, but you don't ever hear about that.
Yeah, and not only that. They converted the entire Afghanistan to Islam (it was a Buddhist country prior), many antient Buddhist temples destoyed as well.

Aurangzeb were also about to convert all(!) the Hindus to Islam by simply taking their priests (the Hindu priests from Kashmir) - the rest would have to follow their priests. It was the 9th Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur, that gave his head, to save them, in Delhi (in 1675).

As the saying goes.. "all it takes for evil to prosper, is for good people to do nothing".
Altair wrote: *
The way that territories in the middle east were divided up after WW1 by the British also has lead to increasing instability because they put a lot of tribes together that don't get along. Britain is also openly arresting Christian preachers currently.
By design, so they won't rise up.
Altair wrote: *
God also created the nations when he confounded their languages at the tower of Babel. Which the EU believes btw because they modeled their headquarters after paintings of what the tower of Babel was thought to look like.
That's so interesting. Yeah, our Wisdom says something similar. That earth was divided between 9 sons, one named "Bharat" (another name for Greater India).
Altair wrote: *
The point I was trying to make with Christian countries is that to the degree that they are Christian they are prosperous and nice places to live.
Ugh. You have to look at the bigger picture. Yeah, Canada is a great country to live in. So was Libiya, until the were looted by [...]

Also, in Uganda, the Christians are burning gays alive. Put a PR spin on that.
Altair wrote: *
The Bible teaches all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and that there is one that does good not one.
Yeah, and that Wisdom is wrong (!). Having that kind of mindset, is part of the problem - I can't believe you cannot see it.
Altair wrote: *
The rise of Christianity in the European countries has taken humanity to heights it has never previously known.
Meh. Not impressed.

It's NOT built on Righteousness ("Dharma"), and that's why you are seeing the cracks. It's built on Greed and Un-Righteousness ("Adharma"), and hence there are so many different Red Pills.

You see what is happeing in Medicine, Food industry, Banking, Divorce Courts, Family Life, Media & Entertainment intrustry etc etc. The Military Industry complex.. how many millions have been killed?

So what heights?

I suggest you read about the "Kingdom of Punjab". An egalitarian state, with the lowest illiterate rates ever recorded. Everything was better, and no forms of slavery or even taxes (!).
Altair wrote: *
They're far from perfect because the people in them are far from perfect, so you're concluding that since they have done bad things which is what we're told people will do that the scriptures are wrong?
I know that the scriptures are wrong (read: not the full truth). :ugeek:
Again, there may be some truth in the Bible - in fact that I can say for certain as well, that there is some truth (and some untruth) in the Bible. :geek:

No, the conclusion didn't come from that. "Corrupt tree =/ good fruit etc.", where me merely trying to use your Wisdom against you.

Sure, no human is perfect (apart from Guru and God). What I am saying is this, following an ideology which says:
1. Believe in this, and all your sins are forsaken, because Jesus has somehow died for your sins (where is the logic?).
2. Furtheremore, you can't rise above your sins
3. Point 1 and 2, isn't that just an incentive to keep on sinning even more?
4. Slavery is cool
5. Kill the gays.

Altair wrote: *
If you dig into the Pagan religions that dominate Europe prior to the influence of Christianity you would see the good it has done for the world. Also look into Moloch who was a god that the real God hated in the OT.
That might be true, even though history is often written by the victorors.

Also, it all depends on what your criteria is. When the prince of Kingdom of Punjab 9 years old.. the British queen had him snatched of his mother, brought to England and forcefully converted to Christianity.

While, the 9th Guru and 3 of his Sikhs, gave their life, to save Hinduism from extincion (a theology which they didn't even agree with, because they worship statues etc.). And all of them gave their life happily. Why? Because the were living in that experience - Naam - the experience of Oneness.

Now your Bible says that is impossible, but we have many other such examples. The fault lies in the Wisdom you are preaching.
Altair wrote: *
Besides the scriptures also go against what you would expect the church to say for their own benefit. The salvation of your soul is a free gift, it's not bought with tithes, or by doing good works. The actions you take in your live are a reflection of the inner transformation that takes place when you forsake your sin. They're the fruits of your transformation.
You are losing me.. so you can forsake your sin?
Altair wrote: *
Let me ask you this then. Can you fix your own heart? Has all the mediation and inner work got to the deepest roots of yourself? It didn't for me.
Yes, you can. It is a Dicipline, sometimes you fall, then you pick yourself up again. I will be lying if I said I am always there, but I have seen glimses of that experience.

The most important step is surrendering you Ego(ism), to someone greater than yourself, to your Guru. A Guru is someone who takes you from dark ("Gu") to light ("Ru") - Enlightenment.


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 2:25 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:27 pm
Posts: 413
Altair wrote: *
and also what kind of forum would we be if we were worried about offending each other in the search for the truth. I remember how it was when the forum got started, how much we debated about everything and people's feathers got ruffled. It was great!
You are right, but my father, the 10th Master, has instructed not to critisize any religion; "the scriptures aren't bad, bad are those that doesn't contemplate those scriptures". And furhtermore, I've experienced 1st hand how hurtful such remarks can be towards one's religion and such.

But, times are such, that I'm taking my gloves off. 8-)

Edit: Damnit, still on page 1?? After all this text??? :roll:


3Hearingstoriesabouttheirgrandparents,madethesonsintogreatsons.Allgreatheroesadoredheroeswhotheyregardedas 13xGreater thanthemselves-theGreatBeingsoftheFuturesPast-totheirlastbreath. :geek:

 Post subject: Re: Beyond the Red Pill
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:38 am 
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You are right, but my father, the 10th Master, has instructed not to critisize any religion; "the scriptures aren't bad, bad are those that doesn't contemplate those scriptures". And furhtermore, I've experienced 1st hand how hurtful such remarks can be towards one's religion and such.

But, times are such, that I'm taking my gloves off. 8-)
Excellent 8-), don't worry about offending me. That goes for anyone else who wishes to chime in. The truth can stand for itself.
Also, in Uganda, the Christians are burning gays alive. Put a PR spin on that.
Really? Do you have a link for that I did a quick Google search.
Yeah, and that Wisdom is wrong (!). Having that kind of mindset, is part of the problem - I can't believe you cannot see it.
So you've never told a lie, or stolen, or committed adultery? You've been morally flawless for your entire life, without blemish? It's funny how we both have opposite perspectives sitting on the other side, I cannot believe how you cannot see it :lol: . Humanity is fallen, we're fundamentally wicked. All the evil and corruption you see in what is formerly Christendom has increased in as Christianity has declined, it was the only thing keeping it in check. You will see it increase as time goes on and Christianity continues to decline.
Sure, no human is perfect (apart from Guru and God). What I am saying is this, following an ideology which says:
1. Believe in this, and all your sins are forsaken, because Jesus has somehow died for your sins (where is the logic?).
2. Furtheremore, you can't rise above your sins
3. Point 1 and 2, isn't that just an incentive to keep on sinning even more?
4. Slavery is cool
5. Kill the gays
This is a very reasonable question minus the last 2 points.

I believe this is something that we cannot fully understand from a human perspective, but I don't make the rules that govern the universe. Humanity was created in the image of God and we have a body, a soul and a spirit.

Soul: Free will, emotions etc.
Spirit: The deepest essence of who you are.

The world was created good, but then it fell and sin entered the world. Since this is the case, our spirit is a enslaved by the soul which is wicked and deceitful. When are an unsaved sinner, you have no choice about your action you are a slave to sin.

"Most assuredly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides in the house forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free you shall be free indeed." John 8:34-36

When you are saved your spirit is free and you have a choice, from that point on if you sin it's because you wanted to not because you had to. So you can rise above your sin, when Jesus sets you free.

It's not an excuse to continue in sin, if you had truly repented in your heart you would not want to sin any longer. When you mess up you feel bad about it.

This is what Paul had to say about it.

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin continue in it any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father, even so we should also walk in the newness of life." Romans 6:1-4
That might be true, even though history is often written by the victorors.

Also, it all depends on what your criteria is. When the prince of Kingdom of Punjab 9 years old.. the British queen had him snatched of his mother, brought to England and forcefully converted to Christianity.

While, the 9th Guru and 3 of his Sikhs, gave their life, to save Hinduism from extincion (a theology which they didn't even agree with, because they worship statues etc.). And all of them gave their life happily. Why? Because the were living in that experience - Naam - the experience of Oneness.

Now your Bible says that is impossible, but we have many other such examples. The fault lies in the Wisdom you are preaching
Moloch was the god of child sacrifice and many of the other pagan religions believed in sacrifice as well. I assume we can both agree that stomping them out was a net plus for humanity.

Just because one person misused the truth, doesn't mean that it's not the truth. The royalty, political leaders, and people responsible for the huge levels of corruption might appear to be Christian but in reality they worship the god of this world. Not everyone who says they are Christian actually is one. Many of them are either not looking deeply enough for the truth and are complacent or they are wolves in sheep's clothing. The letters that compose the new testament spend a lot of time with providing people with knowledge on how to recognize lies,and sheep in wolves clothing.
You are losing me.. so you can forsake your sin?
What I am saying is that religion has both been used to control and is also mans way of trying to reach god through their actions. If I do good in this life, donate to the church, say this prayer, bow to this statue I will be able to experience the spiritual.

The Bible is God reaching down and saying this is how you can have a relationship with me. There is nothing you can do through your own actions to merit the gift of eternal life. It's by definition not inclusive and excludes all other methods of trying to get to the truth.

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me" John 14:6
Yes, you can. It is a Dicipline, sometimes you fall, then you pick yourself up again. I will be lying if I said I am always there, but I have seen glimses of that experience.
We can not, not without help. We can also be deceived

"and no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light" 2nd Cor 11:14
The most important step is surrendering you Ego(ism), to someone greater than yourself, to your Guru. A Guru is someone who takes you from dark ("Gu") to light ("Ru") - Enlightenment.
As long as it's not the God of the Bible ;) . I jest.

"The heart is deep beyond all things, and it is the man. Even so, who can know him."

Last edited by Altair on Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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