Natural Freedom

New Years Resolutions
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Author:  Altair [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:22 am ]
Post subject:  New Years Resolutions

Idk, if you guys like doing them. They're kinda a blue pill cliche. I enjoy them though, at the end of the year it's quite satisfying reflecting on everything that was accomplished. Then beginning the planning phase for the next year.

This year I will split my focus in 3 areas.


Mastering the one arm pushup, and handstand pushups. Just in general continuing to make progress.
Hopefully bulk to 220 by the end of the year.
Take up Ji-Jitsu and stick with it to move up the belt ranking system.


Delve more deeply into my mind. I have not achieved the success I desire with the depth of my perception. I have a few ideas of how to go about it.
Redesign my ego models, they need to be refined to be more effective. They're good but they could be better.
I am going to see if I can get deep enough to remove some of the stripped down fundamental issues I have had. I have them isolated so they cannot harm me. Kidd!! I remember said it wasn't possible. My intuition tells me it can though.


Continue to do well, pass physics and finish every math video on Khan Academy. At 34% now.

What's everyone else's plans? 8-)

Author:  Jared [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

Altair wrote:


Mastering the one arm pushup, and handstand pushups. Just in general continuing to make progress.
Hopefully bulk to 220 by the end of the year.
I know you practice Convict Conditioning, do you mean
THE-feet-together-hand-behind-your-back- push up? Awesome.
I can't perform that one, yet.

// a few successful examples

2013; Guitar, one scale per week, every position on the fret board, >successful
2014; Language, Chinese, minimum of 2 hours every single day >successful

Author:  Altair [ Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

Yeah ;), feet together one hand behind your back. They're so much harder. I'm only doing 1x4 and 1x3 for Step 9 which is Lever Pushups. I need to get to 2x20 each arm which will take most of the year probably.

Author:  Slim Titan [ Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

I have a few plans for the new year, but I wouldn't call them New Years Resolutions. It's not like most of them will for sure happen this year. I have so much on my plate I'm happy if I get half of my list done. The list below isn't complete either as I'll probably add or remove new goals and resolutions as my expectations for the new year change.
  • Monetary/Clout:
    Save up $12k to $40k by June.
    Move with a friend for a change of scenery (need the money for that).
    Make it to $215 DoNs and possibly learn 6 max cash in depth.
    launch my app/business with seed money.
    Learn two programming languages.
    Secure two jobs in the short term before the move and secure one job when I move.

    Health and Mindset:
    Quit cigarettes without returning to them ever again.
    Walk/Run 8 miles 6 days a week and move up to 10 to 12 miles at 4-5 days a week towards the middle of the year.
    Deepen my inner work to cloak better and improve my environment and self observing.
    Find a setup to do the convict conditioning and make it to step 5 or 7 in everything.

    Fun and Casual:
    Go out to have fun once a week, every two weeks, or as I deem worthwhile.
    Possibly take an in country vacation with one of the groups from my college who organizes vacations and retreats.
    Experience a deep tissue massage or Swedish massage complete with facial, pedicure, and manicure (once a month :twisted:).
    Possibly grow my hair out again.
    Buy a new wardrobe.
    Possibly spring for a custom suit. I don't want to travel to saville row though so I may go for some in country startup options that don't have a name yet.

Author:  Alchemist [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

Martial arts will teach you alot about yourself. I recently went up a belt and discovered I still have much anger inside of me. The dans liked my aggression but my inability to switch off led to me running out of juice and losing some points, I know what I gotta do next time.

Drinking is beneficial in 'easy access' to those raw emotions and deep rooted stuff but being shitfaced affects one's ability to compartmentalise the mess and it's only best in moderation.

[ img ]

I don't believe in New Years resolutions but I do have some career goals that need to be met by the end of the year. I live more with a sense of urgency now because I am constantly reminded of my wasted youth, not to lament but as a driving force for me to get my shit together and avoid having any more regrets for the future. I am making some progress but need to amp it up.

As busy as I am I will make time for more introspection, much much more, without getting drunk.

I think what it also means at the core, is I need to nurture my inner child. Once he's ok, I'll be ok.

Author:  Aragorn [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

For me:


* Sub-10% bodyfat
* Be able to run 10km
* Be able to do 20 bodyweight pull-ups and be able to do a 40kg dumbell bench-press (8 clean reps)


* Meditate daily
* Do regular (at least twice a week) work on self-esteem (have the Nathaniel Branden book "How to Raise Your Self-Esteem")
* Read at least 20 books


* Finally get my 5-aside soccer team to the major tournament at the end of the season (Top 4 teams advance)
* Graduate and get my bachelor's degree
* Finish recording and release my 1st mixtape by the end of February
* Finish writing and start recording the 2nd mixtape by Christmas
* Buy a bicycle

There's other general stuff like accepting myself more and more, allowing my emotions the place to vent, etc. But that's more of a day-to-day things that I need to keep focused on on a micro level.

Author:  fufe [ Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

To find out what the fuck I want (for career)

Author:  Altair [ Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

fufe wrote:
To find out what the fuck I want (for career)
And have it be in an in demand field :geek:. Health care resource exploration etc.

Too many people get degrees in areas that have too much competition for jobs.

Author:  fufe [ Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

Altair wrote:
And have it be in an in demand field :geek:. Health care resource exploration etc.

Too many people get degrees in areas that have too much competition for jobs.
I doubt my field will require a degree...
I find it really hard to invest time and money into getting into a field I am not interested in, I'd rather work in a warehouse like now.. I am looking into creative fields right now
I enjoy sewing, I'd like to get into masonry a little bit (Not freemasonry neccesarily :lol: ) and also I'm testing some techniques with art

Author:  Slim Titan [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Resolutions

This thread was productive. I didn't list half the things on my plate though. It did get me thinking about my ambitions, and I remembered a lot. I have to re-read my journal though to get the rest of the stuff that needs to be done.

2015 is a big year. It's the first year that I'm out of college and have a lot of time to work on myself without having to make time. I just can't avoid myself anymore.

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