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 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:42 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:54 am
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He also talks about the matrix in America. Hehe
I wonder if he was a student of Rion or just discovered this on his own....

just a side note-
I know that in some third world countries women are much more easy going, that's why I was never really impressed with Rion's photos of women from third world countries.
That doesn't give any proof to me that he is also good with American women....

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:51 am 

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Libertas wrote:
His pictures of Europe are mostly from Russia and I think all of them from the post-communist countries where waving some dollars and being American can get you 100 marriage proposals a day from hot, desperate Russian women. Should come to Vienna, this guy, to see what the European Matrix is like. :)
you are right Libertas, I guess in Russia and the post-communist countries it's also a matrix but a diffrent kind.....
though it does look appealing :D

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:46 pm 
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I think, like Rion, this guy is definitely ignoring the social status and power that he has with it going to these other countries.

Any time I hear blanket statements like this I have to wonder.

I have approached and dated many women in New York City. Realistically, I have hardly gotten bitchy reactions. Sometimes indifferent or cold, but how bad is that really? Plenty have been nice and I have dated many.

But it is true you have to be much more dominant and masculine to overcome the masculinization (is that even a word? :) of Western women. That's why the ONLY seduction material I listen to now is David X - and I'm drilling it into my subconscious until I have it down. He has this shit nailed. It's not pretty and he is rude and crude, and gets exactly what he wants. His beliefs and mindset work, unlike NG. As soon as I get done listening to it and go out, I have no fear of looking a women in the eye, letting her see me do it. Nothing to be ashamed of, which I have been ashamed of for way too long. But no longer.

There are guys that are very successful in Western countries and some use social status, while others are "jedis" that have cracked the matrix. Using social status is the sheep mentality game - it works but you don't have true power over getting what you want. While going for what you want and not caring what others think is the jedi/Neo way. You are playing the game to your advantage, but are an independent thinker and have true choice.

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Master Yoda

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:01 pm 
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davidhnow wrote:
That's why the ONLY seduction material I listen to now is David X - and I'm drilling it into my subconscious until I have it down. He has this shit nailed. It's not pretty and he is rude and crude, and gets exactly what he wants. His beliefs and mindset work, unlike NG.

As soon as I get done listening to it and go out, I have no fear of looking a women in the eye, letting her see me do it. Nothing to be ashamed of, which I have been ashamed of for way too long. But no longer.
I would give you a small experiment to try.

Take the parts of what he says that hit you the deepest, really resonate with your soul.. Make up an mp3 of them, about 30-40 minutes or so (including some bits twice or more if needed)... transfer to mp3 player or phone or whatever you have available and then

Go sit somewhere public... coffee shop, busy park, town center, mall - anywhere with lots of people (not just women)

Really listen to it (make sure to turn repeat on, you may be there for a while)

Forget your surroundings to a degree, defocus them from your awareness. Just listen to him, while experiencing your surroundings without labeling or judging or focusing on anything else. DO NOT block them out, experience them without focusing exclusively on them.

At times your attention will be drawn back to your surroundings, allow it, without gripping onto it, flow between the audio and your surroundings.. Be in the moment, refuse to get caught in thought.

If you want to laugh at what you hear, laugh, if you want to frown then frown, experience it fully


Then when someone approaches you asking what you are listening to, tell them and you will have an interesting conversation with them about it.

PS. I find it best when I have tried this with various audio's to only have one earpiece in, allows both the audio and the environment in, rather than using both and shutting the environmental audio out.

In building a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject.He keeps chiseling away at the inessentials until the truth of its creation is revealed without obstructions. Perfection is not when there is no more to add,but no more to take away.

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:04 pm 
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So is he trying to sell something or just make a point !?!?!?

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:15 pm 
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Joined: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:53 pm
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wow that's cool!
I'm looking at the free part of his ebook.. he's talking about his trip in the Philippines...
Winston Wu ebook wrote:
It’s like a totally difference UNIVERSE here! Over 90 percent of the girls here are skinny and attractive, and I’m SUPER POPULAR with them. My dating life, love life, and choices here are BEYOND IMAGINATION and have exceeded even my expectations! It’s incredible and surreal beyond belief! I’m actually considered and treated as HOT STUFF here, and seen as hip and cool too! It’s an amazing feeling and daily experience that words can’t even describe. The people here, the enthusiasm from crowds and groups of girls all around me, all bring out the BEST in me!!!!!!!! (...) Wow. The experiences here are so fulfilling, every moment, that they’ve practically ERASED the all the years of negative baggage I had from the states of feeling like a perpetual misfit, lack of social life/popularity, and the daily nightmare of trying to get a date! It’s like all those years and decades of that have been wiped clean from my memory, emotions, and psyche! An ABSOLUTE MIRACLE!!!!!!!
Winston Wu ebook wrote:
As I'm writing this from the Philippines, I am happy to say that I am now a perpetual happy and positive optimist. How did I do it, you might ask? Well it's simple, but it wasn't by changing "myself" (for I wasn't the problem). And it wasn't by changing my attitude, thoughts or going through some self-help/pop psychology/New Age program or seminar. In fact, I didn't even have to change myself or who I was. I just remained the same person. Instead, it was simply by changing my geographic LOCATION, environment and culture, entering another world so to speak.

Critics and prejudiced Americans will commonly charge that the women here, as well as in most foreign countries, like me for money and a green card to the US. However, they are wrong because: (please read these ten bulleted points carefully)

1) Many girls here don't care about my money and STILL like/love me even after I tell them that I’m on a budget and very frugal. They like and enjoy my funny, sweet, sappy, positive, enthusiastic personality.

2) This is probably the biggest reason, and my Expat Advisor, a long time visitor to the Philippines who speaks two Filipino dialects, attests to it too. Most of the Filipinas I’ve met or dated here prefer that their boyfriend or husband stay with them in THEIR country. After all, family is everything to them, and so they prefer to remain close to their immediate and extended family. But if their lover insists, they will try to go overseas. That right there DEBUNKS this common misconception. Besides, it is an American myth that most people in other countries want to come to the US. The well traveled know that is not so.

3) I’ve slept with both bar girls and normal girls for FREE, simply cause they liked me and found me sweet, romantic, tender and charming! They never asked me for any money! Imagine that. That could never happen to me in the States. That proves right there that they aren’t after me only for money, but that I am very sweet, likable and charming to them. And I’ve gotten free kisses here from many girls too, including French kisses (and NO, they don’t do that to every guy!).

4) A few girls here (but not most) have told me that I’m not their type, for they like white guys or bigger masculine guys. And conversely, I’ve seen some reject white guys in favor of me, because I’m more of the type they like and go for. Now, if it were all about “money and a green card”, then “type” wouldn’t matter now would it? But it does, because taste, romantic chemistry, and attraction matter as well.

5) Filipinas have shown favoritism toward me over other older richer guys or customers. (I can't get into details about how since it wouldn't be appropriate to describe here :)) This also proves that they don't like me just for money, since I am treated better, given favoritism and preferentail treatment over other guys who have more money than me, due to my higher likeability. I have a fun loving free-spirited personality that a lot of Filipinas resonate with, as well as a sweet romantic side, and a face they find young and handsome (gwapo).

6) There are some guys here with looks and money who don’t do well at all with Filipinas. I know one good looking American guy here with a good income from an international job, and my Expat Advisor knows a good looking young French guy here with a successful art business. Yet believe it or not, both of them can’t get a real girlfriend in the Philippines! They have had nothing but bad luck and bad experiences with the women here. The girls who go out with them look unhappy around them, and don’t stay with them for long. Though they will accept their money and presents, they still leave them after a while because they simply don’t like them and don’t enjoy being with them. It’s obviously not their looks or status. But rather, something in their vibe and personality just doesn’t jive well with the girls here. Some people’s chemistry just doesn’t mix well with certain countries, just like mine doesn’t mix well in American culture and its fake politeness social culture. Sometimes, things just don’t click, not just between individuals, but between individuals and countries as well. Thus, it’s not all about money and status, like some think. Here in the Philippines, my personality seems to jive extremely well with Filipinas as a whole, regardless of whether I’m their physical type or not. And that’s why almost all Filipinas, even those who aren’t into me romantically or are already taken, ENJOY hanging out with me. Now, if it were all about money, this wouldn’t happen. You’ve got to remember that these girls, though mostly poor, are HUMAN BEINGS who, like you, prefer to be with those they LIKE and CLICK with, not just anyone with money and a US passport.

9) From my experience with gold diggers and users in Russia and the Philippines, I’ve come to recognize their common patterns, such as the way they manipulate and tell lies, the way they tell you what you want to hear yet their actions contradict their words, and their tendency to ask for money within the first day or week of knowing you. And what I can tell you is that MOST of the girls who like me here do NOT exhibit these traits.

My personal conclusion is that this guy after all his traveling 2002 - 2007 has became a natural and he is not even aware about that.
Anyway I don't understand this point: "When I am sociable and outgoing to girls in the US, they think I'm a creep, and react with hatred and/or antisociality. But when I am sociable and outgoing to girls in the Philippines (and in most other countries), their response is overwhelmingly positive, and react with enthusiasm and/or attraction"
If he is a natural alpha man shouldn't he be able to bring out the natural side of american woman?

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:02 am 

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sofforte wrote:
Anyway I don't understand this point: "When I am sociable and outgoing to girls in the US, they think I'm a creep, and react with hatred and/or antisociality. But when I am sociable and outgoing to girls in the Philippines (and in most other countries), their response is overwhelmingly positive, and react with enthusiasm and/or attraction"
If he is a natural alpha man shouldn't he be able to bring out the natural side of american woman?
It's not that simple like Rion says in his program....

I have a friend who got 0 success in Israel, then he went to south America and got plenty of lays, then he came back to Israel and got nothing again.

The other factors that are in play are:
social status, believes and having the 'edge'.....

While in some countries where the women are more feminine you may need less of an edge
to have success- in the west women are more masculine and so you need more of the edge in order to penetrate their masculine shields.

Also I think with Asian women- when a western man comes to Thailand or the philippines he gets more curiosity because he comes from a different culture.....

I think they also like western men because they see movies from the west in which white men are always the stars in the movies, So maybe it's natural grounding in reverse...... :lol:

But these are just my thoughts, I can't know for sure unless I go live in those countries, talk to local men and further understand the culture.....
It is not black and white like Rion says- you really have to know the culture and talk to men within that culture in order to truly understand what's going on over there...

Rion keeps going back and forth to third world countries and he also went to live in Thailand for a while. I know he didn't travel just to get with women, but I think a part of him wants to get away from American women (just my thought....).

Taking a trip\traveling is nice, but running away is not a solution. We can't run away to the Philippines everytime we get rejected. And for most of us who don't live on a passive income- it's not practical to just drop everything and go live in Thailand (like Rion suggested on one of the realms).

If I have the option in the future to live in another country that would be great- but just to learn more about the culture and see what's it like to live abroad, Not for the purpose of running away from Israeli women..... ;)

"a sniper is the worst romancer, he never makes the first move"

 Post subject: Re: Check out this guy!
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:50 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:32 pm
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You are conditioned to feel insecure and unworthy, to keep you weak and easy to control, through a series of subtle subliminal messages. You are definitely are not conditioned to feel whole and complete in America. For some reason, everyone feels inadequate... like they're not good enough.

Of course, if you were whole and complete, you couldn't be controlled or manipulated. So they try to manufacture an emptiness inside of you.

- You are taught to fill this emptiness by living to work and consuming endless junk you don’t need. That's why the model citizen in America is a workaholic and you are taught that "you are what you do".

They perpetuate this myth that making money and buying endless junk will make you happy, which is false. As Wayne Dyer said, "There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way."

But in truth, the key to happiness is not in your productivity and wealth. It's in your outlook and attitude, quality of relationships, and having healthy balances, just enough, in the areas of life that are most important to you.

- The social culture is like a mask of fakeness that you can never really “be yourself” in. You're expected to always act happy like everything is great. That's why when you go to work, people ask "How are you?" and you always have to answer "Fine" or "Not bad", even if you're feeling like shit. It's very unnatural and fake.

In such an environment, how can you ever be your true self, or even know your true self?

- Many develop phony or unnatural personalities to compensate for their inferiority complexes. You can see this in a lot of people in America. I'm sure you all know someone who brags, exaggerates or makes up stories about their lives to impress others. Or people who act phony and are not sincere or down to earth. Deep down they have a wound that they are trying to cover, and develop all these complexes as a band aid. It's very sad.

This is especially true with minorities. If you look at black people in America for instance, and compare them with black people in England, you will notice a big difference. The blacks in the UK seem far more well adjusted and whole, like they are part of the mainstream, whereas blacks in the US seem to suffer from an inferiority complex (through no fault of their own).

Such a difference is very noticeable, one of many in fact, but of course you will NEVER hear about it in the media or any large scale magazine. It's way too TABOO to mention.

- These aspects of the artificial American culture is very undermining to one’s psychological balance and wholeness. In other words, it's detrimental to your mental health.
This is so true I constantly run into this at work I noticed that I can never really truly be myself I have tried to be sincere and be outgoing but its like I don't get taken seriously at all people for the most part are looking bitter or closed off.

I have co workers that was curious about what book I brought from amazon and when I told them it was Nathaniel Branden's How to Raise Your Self Esteem, they laughed I really didn't want to tell them for that reason but they played these mind games that I could see right through, but because he wouldn't leave it alone I told him . I really didn't care because I knew this would help me better my life they can stay at the level they want I refused to be accepted as a fraudulent sheep follower any longer that always feels that there is a void inside like I'll never feel complete.

Living in America and being brainwashed into things that are suppose to make you happy its all a lie, just like what that website said a daytime job is modern day slavery you either born rich, work in a place that you're not happy in, or living in the streets and the sad thing is unless you have a good outlook on life you will be miserable regardless of circumstances

~There's weakness in the hearts of all humans are you afraid to acknowledge yours... ~
Mr. Todo

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