Scarf wrote: * | Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:08 am |
The Impact (2024).
A film by Act Files. It's 8 hours long. ... ntary.html
I've managed 7 hours so far, but it's quite clear that this is well worth posting.
I just finished this.
While I do agree with most if not all the facts / things presented. It clearly lacks something imo.
They "spit facts" on China.
They "spit facts" on Russia and Ukraine.
They "spit facts" on USA's school shootings.
They talk about subconscious training, subversion, ...
But I mean... NO Mention of Zionism (which uses anti-semitism as psychological weapon, just as using muslims against christians and vice versa), Israel's creation out of thin air, many bot farms coming from them, them controlling the media, the government, ...
This is clearly misinformation in the purest form. A half truth hiding the more profound truth.
"Half the truth is often a great lie."
"The most intangible, and therefore the worst, kind of a lie is a half truth. This is the peculiar device of a conscientious detractor."
I mean, just those two videos total under 10 minutes are at least spitting as many facts than this 8 Hour "documentary" on who rule things... - Bassem Youssef's Twitter account was suspended today. BC he speaks logic and truth like this.
Why do I say that? Because Anti-cult movement started around the 60s / 70s, as if the World was fine before that, or that it was not, by itself, created by a bigger entity that controls the tentacles of this movement.
But I could go above that and go back to spirituality.
All those movements / cults / ideologies are created by people who forget the divine / spiritual in them thus accomplish atrocities.
And the only way to heal the world is to collectively heal each individual.
Not put bullseyes on people.
Anyways, it was an interesting one for sure, still.
And adding to your latest post about Trump and voting. He's clearly under AIPAC / Israel's command too.