Natural Freedom

maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and mating
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Author:  Sniper [ Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and mating

I was at another event today. I have a lot of events this week......

And on the event I saw two religious women. Using my observations skills I noticed that they looked kind of bored and unhappy.

Now, here is the thing:
I always thought religious women and men have a much easier time in the proccess of meeting and dating. They don't need to learn PUA stuff - in their world it's much easier and natural.

I also thought that they live 'happily ever after' and have a much more happy marriage than non religious people.

Non religious people have much more freedom. Sometimes too much freedom is bad sometimes it's good. But I always thought that 'too much freedom is always bad'..... :geek:

Anyway, looking at those two religious women looking so unhappy and bored I was thinking:

what if all that idea I had about religious women being happy because they have less freedom was all wrong....

These are just two women I saw So I can't generalize anything however,
maybe my thoughts about all\most religious women being married 'happily ever after'
was all wrong- just like the fantasy about Thai women was all wrong.... :|

Author:  peregrinus [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and matin

Sniper wrote:
what if all that idea I had about religious women being happy because they have less freedom was all wrong....

These are just two women I saw So I can't generalize anything however,
maybe my thoughts about all\most religious women being married 'happily ever after'
was all wrong- just like the fantasy about Thai women was all wrong.... :|
Imagine that, if it was.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and matin

Women are women...and women are human. Period. 8-)

Author:  TheModernLibertine [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and matin

Living in the bible belt and all, here's my take on things...

Now I'm going to generalize her as I generally do ;)

I have met a few religious women who have great natural energy, if you will, but those are rare. The rest tend
to be seriously repressed. Now when you hear from an early age that you will go straight to hell if you have sex outside
of marriage then one of two things happens

A-You become the classic "preachers daughter" or The town slut and rebel against all of your programming to the best of your abilities. Not a healthy way to be. The term "emotional wreck" usually comes to mind.

B- You buy everything that is told to you and take the less resistant path of pleasing your family. Also not
healthy because once these girls sex drives kick in, they want it bad, but the only way they can get it and rationalize it being ok in their minds is to get married, usually at an early age. Divorce anyone? I've seen it happen all too many times.

Hell, even I was told at the age of fuckin 16 that I should marry this super religious girl who was crazy about me.
I called bullshit and she went from crazy about me to just plain crazy. This girl called my phone for about 4 years or more.
She did get married at an early(not to me,haha) and then...eventually divorced a year later or so. Such is the nature of things. Where's my tiny viloin when I need it?

So, what does this all boil down in the mental construct of these girls psyche's? A heaping helping of neurosis and trust me on this, if you want peace in your life then dump any broad that gives you the slightest hint of being neurotic. You'd be better off living by yourself in the woods, it's that much bullshit. Now I'm not saying that this applies to religious girls everywhere, and I certainly don't expect all religious girls all over the world to be as crazy as these Oklahoma bible bangers.(The concept of a loving God eludes most people around here) What I am saying is that religion equals sexual repression more often than not unfortunately. How else were you supposed to keep your wives in check several thousand years ago? Haha. Insecure goat herders ruin everything.


Am I against religion? Not at all. People twist the beauty in it, though and make it in to whatever they want. That's the unfortunate nature of the human ego. In the case of these neurotic religious, they're family and them in turn have projected all of their negative judgements on to God therefore making them God's judgements and turning a simple judgement on their part in to a divine rule of God. We focus on things that are entirely unimportant. Think of all the things we could be capable of as a species if we let all this time consuming nuerosis go.


Author:  Sniper [ Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: maybe I was wrong about religious women\people and matin

Very good explanation TML ;)
These days some myths I used to beleive in for years are being shattered :geek:

It started with the myth about Thai women, then married woman, now religious women. :geek:
I wonder what else I'm going to find........

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