Aztech, the irony is getting to me now, think about these facts:
-we're made to feel guilty for thoughts of fucking
-we're made to believe we need pussy like an oasis in the desert, when it's actually an abundant source
and whilst all of this is going on we're meant to believe that women are frigid and inhibited, that they don't want sex, that they don't enjoy it and possess sex, like sex is a posession they portion to the men who work hard enough for it or those who they feel deserve it, I can't word it exactly as I'm thinking it but shit man, how fucking ridiculous is that???
Oh and we talked about this on another thread and it should be in here:
women love and enjoy sex as much as guys (or even more than guys). So a woman is not doing you a favor by giving you sex and it's not something guys have to work hard to earn.
Yet it's the social program that makes guys beleive that women don't want sex and that they have to work hard to earn it or that the woman is doing them a favor if she gives them sex.
I think that guys like TML and The Kidd have understood this a long time ago and that's why they got more success.
David X was also trying to get this point accrose (in his hardcore style).
let's all remember this from now on......