Natural Freedom

At least they weren't literal demons this time.
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Author:  Azriel [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  At least they weren't literal demons this time.

Alchemist brought something up recently that nathaniel branden calls a "subself" splintered off experiences of younger years that are at present rejected by you and come up in different ways.

For example, in the past I was always nice to people in order for them to be nice to me, looking back I didn't like what I did, I didn't see it for what it was "I was doing what I was doing to survive in this world the best way I knew how"

What I did was go in to myself and talk to this old self and learn from his experiences, learn things from his point of view and come to accept him and treat him with the kindness others didn't treat him with.

At this point he came forward, I embraced him giving him the love he never had and he integrated.

As a result I felt better about myself and my mind changed from seeking to be kind to people to me seeking to be kinder to myself.

Doing something unconciously that you don't like doing? Such as submitting to women? Its probably a subself.

Author:  Alchemist [ Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

There's alot more to that than just the women issue, this 'subself' you speak of, whatever problems it has translates into everything so there has to be a root, looks like you found it.

Author:  peregrinus [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.


Author:  Altair [ Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

Aztec can you tell me more about subselves? I met one of my subselves in a lucid dream last night.

She was analyzing a crime scene in a when I met her, and I wasn't interested in what she was finding. I recognized her as me. I asked if she was my shadow (Jungian) she said no. I asked her what she represented she said " respect, authority, and "Trinity" ". She tilted her head back like she was being aloof, but I saw through her. I told her she was the part of myself that never accepted affirmations or any of that garbage. She looked so hurt, so I put my arm over her and tried to reassure her that everything was ok. The words never came out but there was an understanding.

Really deep dream

Author:  Azriel [ Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

I love lucid dreams, if you do the finger pushed through the hand thing too many times though you just get convinced that the dream is really happening. I find your lucid dream very interesting. I don't think it was a subself though.

Subselves are normally a representaiton of you, a younger you. An image in your mind would come up of a little you who might be in a bad mood because you rejected him by not accepting certain things about your past from your point of view.

For example, if I were to say "I was a very grumpy self centered teenager" that would be rejecting the reality of it because I'm giving an external description of how I used to be. Were I integrated with my teenage self (there's one for every year apparantly) I would have said "I felt a lot of anger as a teenager and I only had myself for company"

What Nathaniel Branden only mentions though is that you have a Father and a Mother self which you experience when for example if you were to give out to a child and you notice your mother's voice coming out of your mouth instead of your own, thats your mother self. I'm not sure how to integrate them because he doesn't mention it, maybe its done in the same way.

Anyway, most of the "inner game" problems I notice on these boards I have noticed could be handled with subself integration, its worth a shot!

Everyone's a diamond, life throws horse shit on the diamond in the form of other people's opinions and you put nail varnish over the horseshit to hide what other people think of you and come accross as a nice shiny diamond. But if you were to invest more time in removing the horseshit instead of applying nail varnish you would realise you've been the perfect you all along!

Author:  Azriel [ Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

Alchemist wrote:
There's alot more to that than just the women issue, this 'subself' you speak of, whatever problems it has translates into everything so there has to be a root, looks like you found it.
I just used women as an example because thats what people coming here can care the most about at first. Its also helped me get over some of my neediness for friendship and anger I held towards my parents and sister.

I see a lot of guys here with certain problems and I often see a subself problem within them.

For example if you were to find that around bigger more attractive and "alpha" men you get insecure for no apparant reason, its most likely a subself. You're not naturally insecure thats the horseshit and nail varnish I mentioned above.

Author:  Alchemist [ Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

True but I wouldn't say there are many of these 'subselves', just one with a multitude of issues depending on the individual and their experiences, essentially it's you in there so I wouldn't necessarily call it a subself.

The more I accept myself the more indifferent I become, just because I'm not everyone's choice doesn't mean I'm noone's...that no longer makes a difference in how I feel about myself as a whole but it's something I recognize the child is sill dealing with on some level, so I'm helping him overcome all this stuff.

Author:  Azriel [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: At least they weren't literal demons this time.

Great! Nathaniel Branden knows more about this stuff than I do, his book How to Raise Your Self Esteem is $7.99 and there's a section on the child self and the teenage self and sentence stems to bring them to awareness.
There's also The 6 Pillars of Self Esteem which is around $17 I think and it has some information on subsleves and self esteem.

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