give up wanting women. Give up the desire to have women in your life and live your life. Think about how much happier you would be if you did not concern yourself with women. Happiness is right here in this moment. Let go of your desires and experience it.
It's natural to have desires spaceman, religion suppresses desires, is sedona method some kind of fucking CULT!!???
I have dick, I'm a man, OF COURSE I want women, if I didn't I'd be a fucking fruitcake, nothing wrong with that but it's not who I am.
Not concerning myself with women doesn't mean turning myself into a eunuch, that's what you guys don't get, that's the lack of balance in spirituality I was discussing with someone last night, Buddhists aren't allowed to fuck and I'm damn certain they more than often wake up wet between the sheets, priests aren't allowed to either and the results from the Vatican scandals speak for themselves.
Spirituality is about BALANCE, not being happy-go-lucky and needing nothing, noone is really like that, everyone has a dark side, and it's really gonna fuck you up years down the line if you choose to cover it with bandaids, just like what happened to me when I realized the truth about Zan's bullshit.
Yes, Balance is the key. I know a lot about eastern philosophy and Spirituality should not be used as a tool to run away from your desires. I'm not saying that is what you are doing spaceman

but be carefull not to fall into false stories and delusions.
You can bet Marcus has not given up wanting women and last I heard is in Costa Rica now, I'm sure he is not doing just 'natural grounding' over there
Look, no one is really doing natural grounding to give up wanting women- that's fucking bullshit. Ng is nice but it won't make you stop wanting to get with women in reality. Don't fall into Marcus's 'zen stories'

cause you will end up very disappointed.
Buddhists Are allowed to have sex. If all Buddhists never had sex there would be no more children in this world. Buddhism does not say everyone should be monks, society can't function if everyone are monks. Read about Buddhism 'The Middle Way' or 'the middle path'.
The only ones who are not allowed to have sex are monks. However, the ones who decide to be monks for the rest of their lives do use their sexual energy in a way. There are some advanced Tantra technique in which your sexual energy is used to build an energy bridge\channels in the body and spirit (this is advanced and only people who are monks a long time learn this).
Rion or Etienne have no clue about what real Tantra practice is so don't listen to what they are saying about Tantra. There are also a lot of 'teachers' in the west who claim they teach 'Tantra' and that Tantra is just sex. Real Tantra is so much more than just sex techniques, it's about working with the energies for a higher goal than sex.