Natural Freedom

know your worth
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Author:  Resonance [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  know your worth

Hey Kidd, Its been awhile since I asked you a question in this corner huh? I have pondered on this question for quite some time now and I want not only hear from just you and Grinus but everyone on here. But you and Grinus opinion is what is going to help solidify what I must do to silence my inner turmoil of suffering.

My friend has mentioned this to me numerous times about myself and about others he is a very confident borderline cocky motherfucker its almost sickening at times but he backs it up quite well.

Anyway I remember Peregrinus has said a lot about this as well. I guess you can say I am confused on this topic what does he mean know your worth? Please clarify maybe it can help me set mindset in the right direction permanently.

Maybe even give me an example of making it more tangible for me by letting me know what you think your worth is

Author:  Sniper [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

The way I see 'know your worth' is:

Know your front and clout, edge, unique personality traits And how much they are all worth in the
environment that you live in. The same front and clout, edge & unique personality traits
can be worth a lot in one environment but at the same time be worth less in another environment.

environmental factors....

Also no matter what environment you live in: checking how much you are your own best friend and how much you love yourself- is knowing your worth.

that's how I see it

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

Knowing your worth directly correlates to your overall self image and self esteem. Knowing your worth means you won't settle for anything less than you feel you deserve. I've turned down PLENTY of pussy because I felt like the bitch they were attached to wasn't WORTH my time. ;)

Knowing your worth dictates what you will and won't put up with. It will make you absolutely indifferent on a whole new level. I will stop dealing with a broad on principle ALONE...I don't care HOW fine she is...and won't think nothing else about it. Not because I'm TRYING to be indifferent, but because I truly don't care.

It will all gel when it needs'll see. ;)

Author:  Resonance [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

I will stop dealing with a broad on principle ALONE...I don't care HOW fine she is...and won't think nothing else about it.
Alright I have a better understanding now and thank you Sniper that was a very helpful answer. My next question is what do you mean by the quote above what principle are you talking about?

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

YOUR principles...whatever they may be. To thine self always be true. :ugeek:

Author:  Sai [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: know your worth

your questions have pretty much been answered already, but your Worth is how much you value yourself. your standards, what you will accept from people, what you won't put up with. say for instance, you have a principle about not wanting no lazy bitch in your camp, but you got yourself a Halle Berry on your team ( if you fancy her!), now this Halle Berry is Lazy as a sloth, but she fine. based on your principles you shouldn't let this bitch's Fine-ness :lol: outweigh your values.

Author:  Star_Above [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

The Kidd!! wrote:
Knowing your worth dictates what you will and won't put up with. It will make you absolutely indifferent on a whole new level. I will stop dealing with a broad on principle ALONE...I don't care HOW fine she is...and won't think nothing else about it.
This is huge, this is a whole new paradigm of reality. The biggest difference between a pua and someone pimp tight.

Someone pimp tight will walk away from a bitch without even batting an eyelash or giving it a second though if she's being disrespectful and shit; whereas a pua would think "What can I do to change her from disrespecting me to liking me".

One has self-respect, the other doesn't. One is the prize, one is a doormat.

Author:  Sniper [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

ManniJa wrote:
Someone pimp tight will walk away from a bitch without even batting an eyelash or giving it a second though if she's being disrespectful and shit; whereas a pua would think "What can I do to change her from disrespecting me to liking me".

One has self-respect, the other doesn't. One is the prize, one is a doormat.

Author:  Altair [ Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: know your worth

I struggle with this endlessly. It's like trying to fight your way out of quicksand or get away from your own shadow.

Author:  peregrinus [ Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What's your worth?

The Kidd!! wrote:
YOUR principles...whatever they may be.
Have them.

Stick to them.

Make sure they are because you want them, not because of external influences.

Be prepared to do things which others advise against, in order to be true to your principles.

If something is against your principles, do not do it, walk away and know why :D Be secure in your choice.

Author:  Azriel [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: know your worth

Sounds like you guys are (sort of) talking about integrity, or am I wrong?

Author:  Altair [ Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: know your worth

Aztecsfinest wrote:
Sounds like you guys are (sort of) talking about integrity, or am I wrong?
Nope, your right. Everything is connected. ;)

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