Natural Freedom

So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?
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Author:  fufe [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

I've reread your articles Kidd. As far as Front goes, I'm not good looking, I just dress the way I like and it looks cool according to other people. But as far as Clout, I feel like I have nothing of value. You wrote that every person has something that has potential of attracting the opposite sex. I have no idea what I should have.. I'm not interested in pursuing anything particular, I only like to listen to almost anything a person has to say. I like playing RPG games, chilling out, checking out art, listening to music, pretty common stuff. I can't find any other job than in tesco (wallmart-like supermarket).
I honestly don't know what to do. I just want somebody equal to me, I don't want to eat steak and settle for less.
I'm mad because it always boils down to that that I don't know what to do with my life and it turns girls off as soon as they figure out.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Then maybe it's time to sit down, figure out what path you want for your life...then spend your time and energy working towards that goal instead of worried about women. Once you truly no longer care about them, then the magic will start to happen. Right now you are still too invested in women and outcomes...and it us fucking up your whole vibe. You have your whole life ahead of you...make it count.

I'm 38...when I was 20 women were just as retarded to me as they are to you. Use this time wisely...I wish I had. :ugeek:

Author:  Sai [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Fufe! don't give up so F*cking quickly! there is so much beautiful things left to encounter, so don't throw in the towel yet. to me you have two of the best advantage. Time and youth. I wish I had this much access to this MUCH information when I was 20! focus on yourself for now. times will get better. oh, this is a perfect time to work on your patience! ;)

Author:  rant [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

what you feel rigth now fufe is the call of freedom

Author:  Sniper [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

fufe, you had success with the ladies (and some great stories you shared too)
what happened?

Author:  Alchemist [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

I echo all the sentiments above, stop feeling sorry for yourself and take advantage of this seemingly shitty situation, I've only started walking my path now but if I'd have begun it when I was 20...fuck....

Take that the Kidd just told you to heart dude, it will get better.

Author:  fufe [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Thanks for the encouragement guys, helps
Sniper wrote:
fufe, you had success with the ladies (and some great stories you shared too)
what happened?
Well I'm still with the gf I was talking about and got eventually dumped. When she texted me she wants me back, I said ok but she had to innitiate contact for some time and I took my time to respond. We are going to a 3 or 4 days holiday together at my family's cottage soon.. Right now she's at home with tooth pain and antibiotics
Thing is I feel like I'm losing power and connection. I stopped innitiating contact again to help it, but I quess it won't be any use, since I don't have any clout. So I felt hopeless, because before these days I was dumped because of sympiness, neediness etc, these days it's because of no clout.

But seriously, how a girl who's studying and living with parents could really want from her bf to have all the shit.. Gets me mad - Is that wrong ?

But there's another thing, which makes me puzzled in many situations as to know what to do and say - Her ex. This ex is the type girl leaves and dates again and again perodically. When I got dumped she told be she's been with him that day but she doesn't want him anymore and wants me (told me this few days ago, after the breakup..) I know that's more likely to be BS, she sometimes texts with him etc. To me it looks like she is keeping him as a wild card if I tell her to fuck off and leave her - or it may be the other way, I don't know. Thing is I can't trust her, and most likely any woman.
Btw I figured out that what helps me to be indifferent, is saying "OK, How I would look at this situation a year later, with another girl ? Since I will have another girl if this one leaves me".

Author:  peregrinus [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

The Kidd!! wrote:
Then maybe it's time to sit down, figure out what path you want for your life...then spend your time and energy working towards that goal instead of worried about women. Once you truly no longer care about them, then the magic will start to happen. Right now you are still too invested in women and outcomes...and it us fucking up your whole vibe. You have your whole life ahead of you...make it count.
Alchemist wrote:
I've only started walking my path now but if I'd have begun it when I was 20...fuck...
I wholeheartedly agree with the above comments.
fufe wrote:
Btw I figured out that what helps me to be indifferent, is saying "OK, How I would look at this situation a year later, with another girl ? Since I will have another girl if this one leaves me".
Use this tool you have discovered.

Author:  Scottie Pimpin' [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

C'mon player you can do it! Take it from a fellow 20 year old... Those cougars are choosin'! Older women already know what they want + they would be willing to spoil the young playa... So it's a win win. Check Scottie Pimpin' on your ballet when I'm campaignin'!!

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Scottie Pimpin' wrote:
C'mon player you can do it! Take it from a fellow 20 year old... Those cougars are choosin'! Older women already know what they want + they would be willing to spoil the young playa... So it's a win win. Check Scottie Pimpin' on your ballet when I'm campaignin'!!
I approve this message. :mrgreen:

Author:  SirRyanMega [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

doom is being married at 20. you have a clean slate. unless you are a talented lil fucker like lil wayne or that napster kid, many people at 20 are still stuck trying to figure out life. don't sweat it. knowledge of self and goal making is where you are at. build confidence with the little goals.

your success is your clout. mansion or not, nobody can take the feeling of confidence from you. i doubt any here would argue that confidence is not clout.

work on that young blood. fuck fat bitches if you gotta :)

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Hmmmm...I would put it more like this: Confidence is not clout...but rather something that is derived (i.e. byproduct) from clout. Front provides confidence as well, but it is nowhere near as arresting as confidence derived from clout. :ugeek:

Other than that, very good points Mega Man. 8-)

Author:  Altair [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Clout alone will not be enough. I speak from experience. Their heads are inflated enough to oxygenate Juptiter to quote the Pimp Network.

Author:  The Kidd!! [ Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

The trick is to deal with older broads while you're younger and younger broads once your older. ;)

Author:  rant [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

Morpheus wrote:
Clout alone will not be enough. I speak from experience. Their heads are inflated enough to oxygenate Juptiter to quote the whore house.

Author:  Scottie Pimpin' [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

The Kidd!! wrote:
The trick is to deal with older broads while you're younger and younger broads once your older. ;)
Boom!! 8-)

Author:  peregrinus [ Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So at 20 I'm basically doomed ?

The Kidd!! wrote:
The trick is to deal with older broads while you're younger and younger broads once your older. ;)
Approve wholeheartedly my brother...

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