Marianne Williamson's greatest quote is there
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson - Aubrey Marcus Podcast - The Power Of Your Thoughts & A Course In Miracles - Marianne Williamson - 1h45m
As a speaker and writer on transformational wisdom for over four decades, Marianne Williamson has delved into the metaphysics of great religious and spiritual figures. She has come to the position of radical responsibility for her thoughts and actions, and offers vulnerable lessons on how to thrive with that outlook.
Williamson’s newest book, THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love, liberates the very idea of Jesus from the narrow confines of Christian dogma or doctrine. Seen through the lens of A Course in Miracles, he is regarded not as a religious figure but as a spiritual force, a non-exclusive yet universally available portal to the deepest regions of the higher self.
In shifting from an over-identification with the material to an all-encompassing embrace of the spiritual, your life transforms on the deepest level. How do you attain that transformation? How does it affect your life? And who is Jesus in the process, should we wish to call him in?
Towards the end of the show we talk about Kennedy, Trump, the DNC and the blessings and dangers that lay ahead.
What a podcast, and what a legacy!
Check out Marianne Williamson’s new book THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love
00:00 Introduction
2:08 What is “God”?
9:42 A Course in Miracles
23:16 Lets Get Into Jesus
26:11 Marianne’s New Book “The Mystic Jesus” | Reclaiming Jesus’ Place In Culture
31:48 Deception & Discipline of the Mind
41:22 Ego, Victim, Disempowered Thinking, & Spiraling
1:01:44 The Buddha & Zen
1:07:32 The Shadow of New Age Spiritual Dogma & Selfishness
1:09:53 RFK Jr., Politics, and Current State of Society
1:12:33 Can We Love Trump?
1:22:53 Marianne’s Experience Being a Woman in Politics
1:34:20 Homo Divinicus and Looking Forward
Some good quotes :
**"The only way we're going to make it is if all of us start ascending to some higher places in our personality like quickly."** - Marianne Williamson, emphasizing the need for collective spiritual growth.
**"God created us in His image, which means it's in His imagination, which means it's imagery within His mind."** - Marianne Williamson, discussing the nature of God and humanity.
**"The ego is my belief that I am separate... If I look around the room and I go, 'Wow, on the level of the body, we're separate,' but actually, while souls, we're not separate."** - Marianne Williamson, explaining the concept of ego and separation.
**"The course of Miracles says, 'You are totally free to think whatever you want to think... What you cannot do, however, is diminish the power of your thought.'"** - Marianne Williamson, highlighting the importance of responsible thinking.
**"If you choose to think with love, literally, miracles occur... If you choose to enter a situation with anything but love, you will deflect the miracles that might otherwise have occurred."** - Marianne Williamson, discussing the power of love and thought.
**"The only thing to be saved from is our own insanity... The problem with the world is that humanity is not in its right mind."** - Marianne Williamson, quoting Gandhi and emphasizing the need for spiritual awakening.
**"I think everybody's on a spiritual path, but most people don't know it... The course of Miracles says, 'It's not up to you what you learn, it's up to you only whether you learn through joy or through pain.'"** - Marianne Williamson, discussing the universal nature of spirituality.
**"The ego's peak experience is my pain... The ego is the belief that I am separate, and all my pain results from that."** - Marianne Williamson, explaining the ego's role in suffering.
**"The purpose of your life is to be happy... When we are aligned with that unconditional love, who hasn't had those moments of total bliss?"** - Marianne Williamson, discussing the purpose of life and happiness.
**"If you know what changes one heart, you're the one who knows how to change the world... We are the last people who should be sitting out the economic and social and political questions of our day."** - Marianne Williamson, emphasizing the importance of individual and collective action in creating positive change.
And similar to Grinus's sig, when she talks about Michelangelo :
"God is a great sculptor, and the marble is the human mind. He chips away at it, and the figure that emerges is the true self."
"The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material."
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."