Natural Freedom

VERY OUT THERE: Learning From Life And Subconscious Help
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Author:  roark [ Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  VERY OUT THERE: Learning From Life And Subconscious Help

Titan posted something to me here: ... 892#p30892. I wanted that thread to remain about caliboy's call for advice, so I started a new thread with my response:
Slim Titan wrote:
hmmmm.....last night was a learning experience. I learned something about myself in relation to being comfortable with yourself.

I wonder if our paths are actually intertwined.

I think if we put both our minds together we'd make a whole damn person.
This is really out there (and so am I sometimes), but i'll say it anyway:
I believe subconscious minds to be linked, and not just in nice pretty ways like in good friendships or sweet relationships, but also in brutal, confrontative ways, to teach one another the lessons about our own selves that we, for some reason or another, are unwilling to consciously face up to. So yes, in my opinion:

- I believe our paths ARE intertwined, at the very least in this post.
- I learned fuckloads about myself from your post. Your initial reply reaaaally ticked me off, and I realised that this put into practical experience something I (theoretically) recognised lately; that I have developed a great love for CJ Jung/anima/projections/archetypes lately, and have begun to explore Freud, and would like to explore more modern and hopefully "progressed" aspects of psychology to better understand myself (if time would only permit - I have many other interests too), but I recoiled from this subject in my '20s because I thought it was too manipulative. This (and other things too) made me realise that I have a knee-jerk reaction to people fucking with my head, and it goes deeper than this, causing me to see an enemy in your explantions - that does not exist (although this does not change the part about me not being bothered to make the effort to go into your deeper level of analysis). Despite this, I don't feel the need to apologise to you for my knee-jerk reaction - hell, I feel gratitude to you, not regret ;) ....oh, and also a great deal of respect for you for your admission quoted above. Therefoooooore:
- YOU ARE A WHOLE DAMN PERSON ALREADY. So am I. We're just different. And simply need to FIND the whole damn person that we each individually are. Which is why we learned from one another. And therefore don't need to combine to become whole. (And IMHO men & women need to learn the same thing about one another, but that's another topic I guess).

Thank you for getting my gears turning against my will..... Great post, Titan.

Author:  Slim Titan [ Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VERY OUT THERE: Learning From Life And Subconscious Help

It's late, but I told myself that I would respond to your post before I went to sleep.

I can see where the whole manipulation thing might get you turned off to what I'm saying.

One thing I learned along my path to this website is that manipulation is part of the world. I had a feeling inside me that I was being manipulated in the last days of my belief in the PUA community.

Thus, I wanted to turn the tables. However, my journey led to myself first. To be able to manipulate another person, your mindset has to be one of complete honesty with yourself and others. That makes you unable to be manipulated.

This is all I can say right now because it's late, and I definitely should put down some extra sleep for Saturday night. It wiped me out.

Author:  roark [ Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VERY OUT THERE: Learning From Life And Subconscious Help

You're absolutely right. And this is why I still do take some time to observe the manipulations of others. Whether I am interested in manipulation or not, it is a fact of life, and people try it on me, so I should be aware of it to one extent or another, whether or not it's my focus. Totally agreed.

Also, it is interesting (and fun) to catch how others try to do it to me, and also how they still many times succeed. And it turns out that this in turn teaches me about myself. It works both ways.

Great talking to you, man. All the best.

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